What do I want? A deceptively simple question with the power to open up amazing possibilities
Seamus Power
Your Story is Your True Power. Creating calm, clarity and coherence, in a sea of chaos, that better serves You and your crew, from Your (and Their) Inside Out.
?“Owning our own story and loving ourselves through that process is the bravest thing we’ll ever do” according to Brené Brown. I love this quote as, in my view, it so concisely encourages us all to be brave (perhaps step out of our comfort zone, even a little bit) and step into REALLY allowing ourselves to consider our own heartfelt desires, needs and wants.
Once we allow ourselves to step, even tentatively, into exploring our true wants, it is amazing how opportunities arise that are in complete resonance with our heartfelt declarations – as if we have opened up a private gateway (our very own VPN) to a reassuring and compassionate soul energy that propels us forward with more clarity and purpose.
This speaks to the previous article I wrote in this short series where Barbara Sher described the benefits of clearly and concisely stating and writing down:
1.????Our heartfelt dreams/wishes AND
2.????The perceived obstacles we create that often prevent us taking the necessary steps towards achieving our dreams and wishes.
?Previous article link: https://www.dhirubhai.net/pulse/truly-loving-yourself-how-hard-can-what-benefits-anyway-seamus-power
Building on this, in the attached video below, Rita Wilson encourages each of us to have the courage to step into and honestly ask the following question:
???????????What do I want?
Before watching the video (in full - link below) I would earnestly request you, right now, at this very moment, to take a few minutes, in peace and quiet, to ask yourself this question – from the heart:
???????????What do I REALLY want?
Please allow yourself time to settle and take a few deeper than normal breaths, if that helps you better prepare to honestly, with all your heart, step into that question.
What do I REALLY want for myself in my life?
How did you get on? Does allowing yourself to step into that question feel scary? What are you really feeling now? Try tuning into that feeling? Do you feel calm? Do you feel resistance and/or anxiety? How is your heart rate? Perhaps you feel excited.
Whatever you feel – I invite you to step into it and breathe into whatever emotion and/or bodily sensation you are noticing. That feeling/sensation is there for a reason and is perhaps the gateway to exploring your heartfelt dreams, wishes and desires. If you feel ready, note down now what you are feeling, and what heartfelt desires and dreams are emerging for you right now.
Now finally, in this moment, as truthfully as you can be, in this moment of clarity and focus write down what are the obstacles you perceive that are preventing you from ACTING.
If you haven’t already watched Rita Wilson’s TedTalk I would invite and encourage you to watch it now, in its entirety (about 20 minutes).
The Question I Almost Didn't Ask And How It Changed My Life:
?Having watched the video, can you identify what creates joy in your life? Rita spoke about the joy she felt when performing and writing songs. What is (are) the things that you instinctively know bring you joy? Take the time to list them now.
Rita also spoke about the things she wanted to say and about what she felt compelled to share with the world. Singing, performing, and song-writing were Rita’s heartfelt channels. What are yours?
There is great power and liberation in developing the skills to truly love and appreciate ourselves (as we are) and having the courage to engage, explore, (perhaps even challenge, when you feel ready) what (lies) you may have been (or still are) telling yourself on your life journey to date. ?
In my own experience, and in working with others, we often somehow create safety barriers and boundaries that, on the face of it, protect us, but in reality, those barriers are often restricting our ability to show up as we are truly are and were always intended to be.
I encourage you to take this opportunity to take the time and space to step into asking “What do I want?” with love and courage, safe in the knowledge that whatever comes up through this process is right for you in this moment and in your life.
In my “Step Away For a Day” programme I spend the first part of the day delving into and supporting you through this process. Please visit the programme website and connect with me directly if you feel ready to explore your journey in more depth in a safe, compassionate and non-judgemental space.
Step Away For a Day website: https://www.stepawayforaday.com/
Email: [email protected]
Call/message: +353 87 669 3891
Next time I will focus on the power we all have the change and influence the world we live in for the better – for ourselves, our families, other important people in our lives, our communities, and the planet.