To what do I attribute success!
Jekyll Island Pier

To what do I attribute success!

Recently I got a visit from a couple of corporate execs in a company of which I am engaged. One of them asked this question and after pondering it for a few seconds I replied. First of all I believe in the products I am representing. I went on to say I am not blowing smoke at you, I really appreciate what we do and the history behind the company.

Next I said, I understand the needs of my customers and with this in mind I listen to what they really want, need and have decided to spend at this moment. I am thinking back to a horrible auto repair experience I just encountered. We took my wife's vehicle to the shop for what I know to have been a somewhat minor situation. After a conversation with the rep, and having discussed the parts and price, I was recalled with another item that tripled from our first conversation. Only to receive another call that took the cost up even more. I agreed to have the repairs done but must admit I feel taken advantage of because they were not up front with all cost from the beginning.With this in mind, I will never do business with this company again.

While on vacation recently in Cocoa Beach Fl, we decided to go on one of the time share tours. I am a certified hotel manager (CHM) so I knew going in there was very little chance that I would purchase an ownership. However in this case it turned out to be a beach front property the developer had recently acquired and was investing heavily. They made us an offer to purchase far below market value so I gave it serious consideration. What I ultimately realized was the sales manager had absolutely no interest in what was important to me. The only objective was to get me on paper at that moment. For this reason I was completely turn off.

The execs that visited with me asked" If they were teaching a new rep what could I share that will assist them in achieving the kinds of numbers that I have been accomplishing". My response was, First of all "enjoy what you do!" Learn your product and just who it will benefit. Most of all listen to your customers. And finally, do all that you can to give them what they want, need and can afford! As sales people we are here to help customers, not steal their money! Do what you can to "Turn them on, and not turn them off".


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