What do Healthcare Executives Need to Know about Their Network?
To be an executive or the head of a healthcare facility in 2018 means that you can’t only focus on the healthcare aspect of your business. The success of healthcare businesses has been increasingly tied to the innovations they take in their IT network as well as how seriously they take cyber security. It has reached the point to where now, you’re at a serious disadvantage if you’re lagging behind in any of these factors.
Tech companies are competing to make every aspect of work and life more efficient and user-friendly. Hospitals are no exception.
Making Hospitals Smarter
Phones aren’t the only technology that can be smart. Hospitals rely on so many different appliances, applications and computers and the natural progression of healthcare technology is to find a way to make these processes all “talk to each other.”
This is the basis for the term ‘smart hospital’. A smart hospital uses the Internet of Things (IoT) to optimize and automate IT processes to get the facility running at full potential. Once the facility is able to relay information throughout all of its different departments that means doctors and nurses don’t need to take time out of their schedule to do that themselves.
Less time tinkering with IT means more time helping patients, and that’s why smart hospitals are the next big thing.
Smart hospitals also take advantage of artificial intelligence and machine learning. A hospital that is able to relay confidential information to itself needs to be able to learn how to do it in the first place, then perform those tasks independent of anyone telling it to.
We know what people think when they hear artificial intelligence – The Terminator. We’re not at that point yet! What artificial intelligence means in 2019 is basically a more advanced version of a chatbot, which is already widely implemented across many different industries. Instead of just being able to answer very simple questions, it would actually be able to help diagnose a patient based on their symptoms and prior records and appointments.
Artificial intelligence also takes care of a lot of the repetitive and menial tasks that take up valuable time of people who could be doing something of a higher priority. In addition to answering queries, this also includes tasks such as database management and threat scanning.
While there is no superhighway to achieving a completely smart hospital yet, at least not until tech giants like Google or IBM create one soon, there are plenty of ways to greatly increase the efficiency and efficacy of your business piece by piece. If you would like to learn more, call TOSS C3 anytime at 1-888-884-8677 or read about our services.
For more information on the cloud and how it can help your organization, schedule a complimentary consultation by clicking here -> https://www.tossc3.com/free-consultation/.
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