What do Great Managers do Differently?

What do Great Managers do Differently?

No two managers are the same. Their personality, years of experience, company culture, and other factors determine their management skills in the workplace. Employees who feel they are more efficiently managed are more productive and engaged at work. Conversely, employees with a bad manager are more prone to look for other options and leave the company. So what is it that separates the two and what are the factors that can make you a great manager? Let’s drill down:

  • Hiring the right people

Great managers take the hiring process seriously and look for employees who have the merit, talent, and skill to be hired for the job. Great managers understand that smart people take ownership of their jobs and make the task much easier to accomplish. It negates the need to micromanage work and allows the manager to trust their employees in accomplishing their work with minimal supervision.?

  • Getting to know the employees

No manager can flourish without getting to know their people, learning their strengths and weakness, their preferred management style, etc. Understanding their people allows them to adopt strategies that work and develop a more empathetic way of management. Knowing each employee makes it easier to assign tasks and to know who is best suited for a particular job.

  • Establish active communication channels

An engaged and involved manager values communication and establishes channels to encourage employees to communicate actively. Employees want to feel heard and provided with a platform where they can voice their grievances and get their queries solved. Managers should work actively to help their employees feel heard and valued. It establishes trust and makes employees feel important in the chain of events.

  • Appreciating the team

A good leader understands the need to appreciate the employee’s when it's due. Appreciation motivates employees and encourages them to continue with their performance and improve their craft. Not providing employees with the needed appreciation discourages them and harms the productivity levels of the organization. A manager always recognizes the effort and appreciates employees - both on an individual and team level.?

  • Standing by the team

Everyone hates being thrown under the bus especially when it is done by a manager. During the course of a project, there can be obstacles that hinder performance and delivery but analyzing the situation managers must stand by their team and look to minimize the harm and find successful remedies. This boosts the confidence of the team members and helps them know that the senior management has their back.?

  • Avoid micromanagement

Good managers understand the pitfalls of micromanagement and avoid it vehemently. Employees understand their tasks and value the independence to work on tasks with minimal supervision. Micromanagement spoils productivity, hampers confidence and renders poor work. It creates an environment of friction and spoils inter-personal relationships.

If your company is struggling with poor management skills it’s time you revamp your strategy and look at inculcating the above points. Paylite HRMS aids modern-day managers in streamlining communication and managing employees efficiently. To know more, book a free demo of the software https://www.paylitehr.com/request-demo.html


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