What to do in case of a road accident in Dubai: instruction from DEIZ

What to do in case of a road accident in Dubai: instruction from DEIZ

This article provides simple instructions on what to do in case of an accident in Dubai. Find out how to properly register the accident, where to report it and what documents will be required for the insurance company.

Dubai is famous for its advanced technology in all spheres of life, and traffic is no exception. The government has taken care of citizens and tourists, and to save everyone time and energy, they have created a special service.

Remember that you are obliged to notify the accident, for this you need to download the app Dubai Now or Dubai Police on your smartphone and enter the accident into the system. The interface is intuitive and simple. The service will ask you about the details of the incident, request the information of all participants and photos of the damage to the car. Examples of questions: "What is the number of cars involved in the accident?", "Enter the license plate number of your car", "Enter your driver's license number", "What damage has your car sustained?", etc.

Usually the request is processed within 10 minutes. You will receive a notification with a link to the accident report in PDF format, it will contain the collision scheme, all data about the parties and the inspector who sent it. Next, the victims need to send their version of the protocol to the insurance company, and wait for the payment of compensation. Later, an inspector will call you to hear your version of what happened and to clarify the necessary details.

Previously, this process was different. You had to call the police to the scene of the incident. Tell the dispatcher the exact location, number of people involved, and injured. While waiting, take pictures of the damage to the vehicles, their license plates and brands, and the scene of the accident. Then exchange contact information with other participants. And if there are witnesses, ask for their contact information too. Finally, the driver would contact the insurance company and hand over the entire evidence base.

The procedure has been greatly simplified, you no longer have to wait for an inspector at the scene of the accident, make it difficult for other cars to drive through, deal with an impressive list of documents and prove things to the insurance company.

So, knowledge of what to do in case of a car accident in Dubai can help you keep calm and handle the case correctly. Be careful and attentive on the road.?

With care of you,


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