What To Do Before Having "The Talk"
Marsha Eastwood
President of M Walker Eastwood Anger Management Inc., Owner of Emy's MarketplaceFounding Human Services Board Certified Practitioner
There has been a lot of discussion regarding the need to talk to children about what is happening in our country today. But before you have that talk, have a talk with yourself and ask yourself what kind of example are you setting.
In this age of social media, people play fast and loose with derogatory comments and hate speech. How many times have you posted a message or meme of hate? Whether it is directed at the President of The United States, your neighbor who cut his hedges or grass too short for your taste or using profanity as your first language. I disliked Abraham Lincoln immensely but I don't while away the hours and waste my life calling him every name under the sun and then.
I have disliked and embraced many a politician over the years and lived with the results of various elections because I had sense enough to realize mine is just one vote and I do not control the votes of others. I have had neighbors who committed egregious acts against me and I never found it necessary to blame an entire race of people for that one person's shortcomings. I have seized opportunities and oftentimes made them to better myself and my lot in life. I don't whine and I don't complain because those "others " could care less. I bring quality and knowledge to a table that may be filled with deaf ears, but at the end of the day, I feel a sense of exhilaration because I was present at that table and an acute awareness that it will not be my last presence at a table.
Ask yourself as a contributing member of society has your impact been mostly negative or mostly positive because in-between will not suffice. Ask yourself would you want you to be your child, your neighbor, your employee. Is your message one of ultimate hypocrisy- I hate white people in general or I hate black people in general but I make exceptions for family members and friends? When you can answer these questions truthfully and honestly then you are ready for that talk with your child.