What Do 1st, 2nd, and 3rd connections on LinkedIn Mean?
You must have seen this on LinkedIn where 1st, 2nd, or 3rd is written on any member's profile.? Do you have any clue about it? If not, then I'm here to help you understand the term in detail.?
1st-degree – You’re connected with certain people because you’ve accepted their invitation. You’ll also see the 1st-degree icon next to their name in the search result. With them, you can directly connect with them by sending a message on LinkedIn.
2nd-degree – People with whom you’re connected on the basis of 1st-degree, you’ll see a 2nd-degree icon next to their name in the search results. You can contact these people through In Mail or an introduction.
3rd-degree – People with whom you’re connected on the basis of 2nd-degree connections, and you’ll see a 3rd-degree icon. A person with an icon can be contacted through In Mail or an introduction.
Out of Network – A member who falls outside these categories can be contacted through an In-Mail.?