What is Disability & What Adjustments
Nigel Dupree
Project Director at S.M.A.R.T. Foundation - also known as: Legin Nyleve, LeginNyleve and @l3gin on other Social Media
58% of DSE operators suffer visual repetitive stress injuries covered under the DDA
Affecting "normal day-to-day activities" impaired by those suffering presenteeism?
At least one of these areas must be badly affected, preexisting and/or induced:
- mobility ( higher risk of slips and trips )
- manual dexterity ( hand-eye coordination )
- physical co-ordination ( spatial awareness )
- continence ( extra breaks, self-medication energy drinks / caffeine )
- ability to lift, carry or move everyday objects ( spatial awareness )
- speech, hearing or eyesight ( 2D monocular adaptations, asthenopia )
- memory or ability to concentrate, learn or understand
- understanding of the risk of physical danger. ( spatial misjudgments )
Eye-strain, Computer Vision Syndrome or Screen Fatigue, blurry vision, dizziness, headaches, migraine aura, nausea etc, significantly impairs normal functionality and increases the risk of errors, misjudgments, mishaps and potentially accidents.
The majority ( 58% ) of DSE operators in the workplace will predictably experience early onset eye-strain using sub-optimal, unmitigated, standard display screen settings, a white'ish, back-lit, contrast background to black text for over an hour a day. ( average 9 hours a day)
This will result in repetitive stress related 'natural visual adaptations' in a well meaning attempt to reduce stress, but to injurious affect, manifesting in binocular 3D vision loss.
3D vision loss is far from "temporary" and will not be restored by a good nights sleep without adapting, customising or optimising your screen ergonomics / accessibility.