What is Differentiated Instruction? - A Self-directed Learning Module for EFL Teachers
What is Differentiated Instruction?
(A Self-directed Learning Module for EFL Teachers)
Differentiated instruction (DI) begins with an accurate understanding of what DI is—and is not. You may be surprised how easy it is to incorporate into your classrooms.
Seven things you need to know about differentiated instruction:
1. Differentiated instruction is proactive.
2. Differentiated instruction is more qualitative than quantitative.
3. Differentiated instruction is rooted in assessment.
4. Differentiated instruction is taking multiple approaches to content, process, and product.
5. Differentiated instruction is student-centered.
6. Differentiated instruction is a blend of the whole class, group, and individual instruction.
7. Differentiated instruction is organic and dynamic.
Learn more about differentiated instruction with Carol Ann Tomlinson.
She is William Clay Parrish Jr. Professor Emeritus at the University of Virginia's School of Education and Human Development, where she served as Chair of Educational Leadership, Foundations, and Policy and Co-Director of the University's Institutes on Academic Diversity. She spent 21 years in public education, teaching students in high school, preschool, and middle school and administering programs for struggling and advanced learners.
a. Differentiation and The Brain
b. What is Differentiated Instruction
c. Getting Started on Differentiated Instructions
d. Two Misconceptions about Differentiation
e. Introduction to Differentiation: Assessment Grouping
f. M.Ed. in Differentiation - Sample Lesson
Additional Video on Differentiated Instruction:
1. Differentiating Instruction: It’s Not as Hard as You Think
2. What is Differentiated Instruction? (4 Types Explained)
Read more about Differentiated Instruction:
3. Seven Reasons Why Differentiated Instruction Works
4. Refocus Your Approach to Differentiated Instruction
5. Examples of How to Differentiate Instruction in the Classroom
6. Differentiation Strategies: a Teacher's Guide
Do you want to take a deep dive into Differentiated Instruction?
(via IRIS Center Peabody College Vanderbilt University)
- Fantastic resource with PDFs, Videos, and short podcasts
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