What are different VLSI job options for freshers ?
Kiran Bhaskar
Team Lead Manager @ Allegro MicroSystems | Masters integrated circuit design | System Verilog, UVM , Formal | Paper publication
VLSI is mainly divided into two parts as
All of the stages from Specification to Functional Verification are normally considered as part of Front end and engineers working on any of these are?Front end VLSI design engineers.
All stages from Logic Synthesis till Fabrication?are considered as back end and engineers working on any of these are considered as?Back end VLSI design engineers.
Interview topics on both Front End and Back end can be found in the section below
Front End
Digital RTL design and verilog interview questions
Clock domain crossing and synchronizers interview questions
System verilog UVM step by step guide
System verilog UVM interview questions
Gate level simulation interview questions
Physical design interview questions
Static timing analysis interview questions