What is the different between library and framework?

A library and a framework are both software components that developers can use to build applications. However, there are some key differences between the two:

  1. Control flow: A library provides functionality that a developer can call, but the control flow of the application remains in the hands of the developer. On the other hand, a framework provides a pre-defined architecture and control flow that developers must follow when building their application.
  2. Inversion of control: In a library, the developer controls the flow of the application and decides when to call the library's functionality. In contrast, a framework provides inversion of control, meaning that the framework controls the flow of the application and calls the developer's code when necessary.
  3. Extensibility: A library is usually designed to provide a specific set of functionality, and developers can extend it by writing additional code. A framework, on the other hand, is designed to provide a complete architecture for building an application, and developers can extend it by plugging in their own code into pre-defined extension points.
  4. Code ownership: With a library, the developer owns the code and is responsible for its integration into their application. In a framework, the framework owns the code and the developer is responsible for writing code that fits within the framework's architecture.

Overall, a library is typically used to provide specific functionality that can be integrated into an application, while a framework provides a more complete architecture for building an application.


