Coach: 1. Has an individual perspective: provides insight and perspective aligning an individual’s developmental goals with those of the organization. 2. Provides an external mirroring: models effective two-way communication and feedback in order to improve the performance of the learner. 3. Advice to further development: shares confidential and personal feedback but encourages learner to share ongoing development plans with others. 4. Fosters self-insight: concerned with helping the learner grow through introspection and feedback from others. 5. Concerns about personal growth: concerned that the learner is successful at learning and becoming a more effective leader.
Mentor: 1. Has a horizontal/systemic perspective: provides insight and perspective that matches the flow of business across several different functions. 2. Provides indirect authority: not responsible for managing the performance of the learner. 3. Advice to broaden viewpoint: allowed to share information to which the learner is seldom privy....... 4. Encourages self-responsibility: Advises the learner to take charge of their own growth 5. Concerns about thinking: ultimately concerned that the learner gains perspective and is successful at learning.
Manager: 1. Has a vertical perspective: provides key insights and perspectives about the function or department they manage. 2. Provides direct authority: responsible for the learner’s performance and success on the job. 3. Performance improvement: Gives ongoing feedback so learner knows progress on all objectives & goals. 4. Foster accountability: responsible for monitoring performance and progress through appraisals and other formal systems. 5. Concerned with productivity: focus is mainly about achieving success on the job.