What are the Differences Between Hard and Soft Skills?
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Hard and soft skills are both assets for landing a job and excelling in the workplace. In this post, we delve into their differences.
Soft skills are interpersonal skills that give us the ability to get things done, and hard skills are quantifiable and teachable.
In 2020, LinkedIn News reported that the top soft skills most companies needed were: creativity, persuasion, collaboration, adaptability, and emotional intelligence.?
Meanwhile, blockchain, cloud computing, analytical reasoning, artificial intelligence, UX design, affiliate marketing, and sales were at the top of the list of hard skills.
“Previous research, conducted by The Carnegie Foundation for the Advancement of Teaching, at the beginning of the 20th century, already concluded that 85% of job success comes from having well-developed soft skills and only 15% from technical or hard skills,” LinkedIn News said.
“Hard skills tend to be a little bit more tangible,” said TEDx soft skills speaker Scott Asai. “They tend to be within certifications, degrees, something that's a little bit more measurable. Hard skills are a little easier to list on resumes and LinkedIn profiles, and a lot of times employers and companies look for those things.?
“Soft skills are a little bit more intangible. They’re more difficult to measure. They tend to be a little more qualitative, but now recruiters [often] look for candidates who have stronger soft skills off the bat because hard skills tend to be easier to teach.”
Soft skills and hard skills have distinct differences in the workplace too.?
“There is a saying that has been popularized by a lot of creators,” said career strategist Reno Perry. “People will say hard skills get you hired, but soft skills are the ones that get you promoted. And there is a lot of truth to that.
“If you are really great at software engineering, sales, marketing or project management, but you are not really great at working with your teammates, communicating, or how to manage your day or your schedule, a lot of that can work against you if you are looking to progress.”
I chatted with Asai, Perry, and executive coach and soft skills senior expert Hanane Anoua to learn more about the differences between hard and soft skills.?
Why You Need Hard and Soft Skills
Soft skills are transferable and require ongoing work, Anoua said.?
“A lot of people are fired because of their soft skills,” Anoua wrote in a LinkedIn post. “They have either a very negative attitude, don’t know how to control their emotions, or get in conflict with others. Developing your soft skills will provide you with more wisdom and understanding, things we did not learn at school or the university.”?
And it takes continuous effort to develop them.
“Soft skills are like developing a muscle,” Asai said. “If you don't work them out and strengthen them, they are just not going to get better.?
On the flip side, hard skills are not as “hidden” as soft skills, Asai said.?
“A lot of times when you are applying for a job, [hard skills] are literally written on a job description and [are] more specific,” Asai said. “There are certain certifications you have to have. If you don't have those things then you just don't qualify. It is almost like they are qualifiers for you to be considered. And if you don't have those things you are probably not going to be a serious candidate.”?
How to Improve/Gain Soft Skills for the Workplace
Soft skills are character traits you work to improve, but with over 100 existing soft skills, you need a personal development plan to help pinpoint which ones to focus on, Anoua said.?
“A personal development plan is personalized, where you define your goals and see yourself going,” Anoua said. “And based on that goal, you ask yourself, ‘What kind of soft skills do I need to grow as a manager or as a doctor, lawyer, an executive, or as a writer?’ Then, start looking for the people who already have succeeded in your field.
“Check the kind of skills they have and how they succeeded. Then, start working on your personal development plan. Sometimes you don't need a coach, and sometimes you need a coach. Sometimes you just need to know what you need to learn, how you can improve.”?
The same is true for hard skills. “It is like an audit,” Anoua said. “‘What do I have as skills and what do I need to develop as new knowledge or skills in order to be successful in this area?’ The options can be diverse. Either you go for new certification or an MBA, or you go for online courses.”
When you enter the workplace, it is important to “lean on soft skills and continue to cultivate them,” Perry said. “Being able to demonstrate the ability to work in a team environment, collaboration is always really big, communication, problem-solving ability, and critical thinking [are all major assets].?
How Recruiters and Hiring Managers Look at Hard Skills and Soft Skills
Hard skills are the first things recruiters and hiring managers look for on resumes, and it is essential to match your skills with those on the job description.?
Those quantitative skills, like affiliate marketing or content editing, can make or break your chances of moving forward in the hiring process if you don’t have them listed and the job calls for them.?
“There is sort of an argument of, ‘If I don't have a hundred percent of the skills, should I still apply for the job?’” Perry said. “In my experience, and from other creators in the job search space, there seems to be an accepted practice around if you are hitting most of the core requirements for the job…anywhere from 60-80%...then go for it. A lot of companies will still interview and look at candidates seriously.?
“If you have those core skills, you should put those on your resume. The more hard skills you list on your resume supersede any soft skills you list on your resume. Most recruiters and hiring managers are looking for the hard skills, at least when it comes to the resume.”
Hiring managers and recruiters can sometimes identify soft skills during interviews, so it is important to show those strengths then.
“There are many ways a person can improve their soft skills - the way they talk, the confidence they portray, their voice, everything,” Anoua said. “Sometimes you can? just look at people and see the way they present themselves, the way they hold themselves, the way they dress, the way they talk to you.”
“The nice thing about soft skills is they are transferable to any industry,” Asai said. “So, if you develop them you are going to help yourself in your career no matter where you go.”
Identify which soft and hard skills can make you an asset in your field and workplace. Do a self-assessment, create a personal development plan, and pinpoint which soft skills you need to work on. Also, look at job descriptions for roles you are applying to to determine which hard skills you need to be a better candidate for new opportunities.?
Top Takeaways
What are the Differences Between Hard and Soft Skills?
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2 年"People will say that difficult skills hired you, but soft skills are the ones that promote you." That makes perfect sense at the moment. Thanks for sharing the content.
small businessman
2 年Very helpful and gives one hope thank u very much.
A. V. Hart Ltd (avhartltd.com)
2 年So called soft skills have always been around and extremely important. They can all be summed up in one word - relationships. That is without doubt the most important skill a person needs to have or develop. Not only success but everything essentially depends on how you relate to others: in every field and every walk of life.
* Business Developer * Investment Promoter * Strategic & Risk Advisor * Government Relations, Regulations & Doing Business Consultant
2 年The best advice I ve ever had was"If you cannot control your emotions, then you are not able to control a work environment", it was for sure a highlight for soft skills. Managing a division of almost 200 people, made me realize that being a leader is not about having a lot of knowledge but having a lot of self control, self assurance, accountability, and lots and lots of communication. These are soft skills.
Partnership Services Associate with NASCAR. University of Pittsburgh Alum.
2 年Soft skills are a great foundation to build hard skills on, attitude is everthing!