What a difference one word makes...

What a difference one word makes...

What if you replaced the word "marketing" with "conscious manifestation” when creating your marketing strategy?

Traditionally, marketing revolves around the tactics required to get people to a place where they perform an action that leads to the selling of a product or service at a profit.?

But there is a radical change underway. With the new consciousness expedited by the COVID pandemic, potential buyers are increasingly valuing authenticity over subtle manipulation. Let's be honest... That's what marketing really is.?

At the same time, there is a growing group of conscious entrepreneurs who understand that marketing is about the frequency with which humans vibrate: Like attracts like.

By making personal and spiritual growth a priority for themselves, they become of service to humanity way beyond their products and services simply by showing up in the world. As they elevate their own frequency, they collectively elevate the frequency of the planet by sharing this healing energy with whomever they come into contact with, whether or not they're dealing with potential clients.

How do we become conscious manifesters?

Unlike traditional marketing that focuses on the often-overwhelming detail, conscious manifestation focuses on the bigger picture. With a clear and inspiring vision, universal laws support the strategy by automatically manifesting the right people, places, and circumstances at the right times. The role of conscious entrepreneurs then simply is to follow their inner guidance.?

There are no big changes to be made here. By changing the energy behind your client attraction activities from “marketing” to “conscious manifestation,” it brings moment-by-moment peace as you focus on one inspired step at a time. From this inspired space, you experience the abundance of all that is. And when practiced consistently, this abundance will undoubtedly be reflected in your outer world because like attracts like. It's inevitable.

Give it a try. What do you have to lose?

There is an energy behind these words and it shows up in your body. Say the word "marketing" out loud and pay attention to how that makes you feel. Now say the word "conscious manifestation" and see how that makes you feel.

Which feels more powerful?


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