What a difference it makes.
Brandi Taylor
Rapid Transformation Therapist, CHt Hypnotherapist, Anxiety & Addictions Coach helping Executives & Professionals Experience FREEDOM NOW No Meds Required
I once had someone say to me "I don't want my spouse to profit from death." He didn't understand that insurance isn't about profiting, its about protecting the life you live now.
I took this from ADVOCIS Because it is the best description of why we do what we do to help others and the impact it makes on someones loved ones.
I was just recently hired by my manager to become a financial advisor. To be honest I was probably the most skeptical person you could ever imagine and approaching this career was no different. I was a pharmaceutical sales rep and was not the “numbers type” by any means. My manager was so convincing in telling me that this career actually has very little to do with numbers and has more to do with emotion and giving back.
Que the skepticism again.
He said this career is about helping families succeed financially and in turn succeed in life. He said the emotional connection to that was something I would never know until I felt the impact of what we do personally. I was tired of the business of pharmaceuticals and needed a change so I took the plunge. I was still cautious but would take his word for it.
After joining the firm I went about my business like any new advisors, sending prospecting texts, Facebook messages and phone calls, booking appointments, meeting with friendsome and family and selling a few insurance policies and investments.
A few months ago, one of my friends referred me to someone who was already a client of the firm and wanted to change all of their policies and investments to me. We completed the paperwork shortly thereafter and she became my client. She is the bread winner of the house and has three young children with her husband who lost his job 4 months ago.
A month and a half ago I got the notice. She had passed. A dump Drucker veered into her lane driving home from work and tragically, she did not survive. Her insurance policy was with me and to be honest I was terrified. Never had I had to deal with such a serious and devastating situation in the pharmaceutical industry! What was I going to do? How was I going to face her grieving family? My manager helped me to process the claim and I expected the husband to get it in his bank account, but two weeks later I received the funds, not the husband.
I asked my manager what happened? He said: “This is what we do and why we do it”. I said: “You mean, I have to deliver this?” He said: “Yes you do”.
Terrified. Could I handle the tears? The sobbing? The devastation of this accident and this terrible situation?
I approached the door of their family home, almost tiptoeing to the door, hoping no one was home. I rang the bell and the door began to open. It was her husband.
I expressed my condolences and said I have a few things to go through with him and have his claim ready. I wondered what he would say next….to my surprise…he smiled.
It was like 1000 pounds were lifted off of his shoulders. He hugged me.
With the vread winner now gone, what I failed to realize at first was that these insurance funds would save their financial lives. It would pay the estate and taxes, it would pay off the mortgage, it would pay the debts, it would pay for the funeral and burial costs and it would pay for the kids education and help to replace the clients income so they could move forward without loss financially.
Suddenly I got it. This career is not the numbers, this career is not sales, this career is not targets and insurance premiums and investment fees and actuarial tables.
This career is making a difference, this career is helping those in need, this career is education, teaching and enlightening to families. This career is protection. This career is a magnificent display of humanity and you can make money doing it too.
Today the husband is doing as well as can be expected and still a client of the firm…his own client…he just became an advisor himself. What we do affected him so much, he needed to give it back to others and what better way to give back exactly what he got.
Consider a career as a financial advisor. I highly suggest you join Your Advice Career. It is free and worked for me to truly understand the Career and what I was getting into and I was able to talk to managers directly.
I have never turned back.