What difference can I make as a Filipino Psychologist?

What difference can I make as a Filipino Psychologist?

Psychology in the Philippines


Psychology has shown a slow and hesitant growth in the Philippines (Guthrie & Bulatao, 1968). Its development has been entirely in the social and descriptive phases rather than the experimental. There has been a close association with education. Clinical psychology has been handicapped by limited professional opportunities.

As stated by Felipe (2002), “The reference points in the world of psychology and the Philippine reference points do not tally. Briefly, the difference is one of emphasis. In the world of psychology, there is more emphasis in psychology being science, less in human welfare; in the Philippines, there has been a greater sentiment for human welfare than for science. Hence, here in the Philippines, judging a psychologist in terms of the intellectual worth of his works is not evaluating him on a professionally crucial dimension. Because of this, there has been only little encouragement to study an area intensively enough to truly become an authority in it.”

?This is true nowadays, there is still a gap in the professional entity of Psychologists though there is a licensure for Psychometricians and Psychologists based on Republic Act 10029. Globally, HR (Human Resource) and Management career tracks are most available for Psychology graduates (Symington, 2012), as well as in the Philippines (Lopena, 2012).

?This is far from the usual Psychologist we see in the movies, wearing a white coat, or a formal dress, while talking to a client in his most comfortable position. There is indeed a clear gap about what is thought by the common people against what the profession really is (author).

Psychology is the study of mind and behavior. It encompasses the biological influences, social pressures, and environmental factors that affect how people think, act, and feel. (“What Is Psychology? - Verywell Mind”) Gaining a richer and deeper understanding of psychology can help people achieve insights into their own actions as well as a better understanding of other people (Cherry, 2020).

What is best now is to be effective and let the world know how Psychology can make our lives better(author).


How different is Psychology from Psychiatry?

"Psychologists must earn a bachelor's degree, a master's degree, and a doctoral degree in psychology." (“The Differences Between Psychology and Psychiatry”) In many states, candidates also complete a postdoctoral fellowship to accrue additional supervised experience before obtaining licensure and treating clients. The educational process to become a licensed psychologist takes about 8-10 years. To become a psychiatrist, candidates complete a bachelor's degree before attending medical school. Prospective psychiatrists study pharmacology, anatomy, biology, neurology, and disease, acquiring the knowledge?necessary to prescribe medication. (“The Differences Between Psychology and Psychiatry”) Graduates complete residency, which typically lasts about 4 years, before seeking licensure. The process lasts about 12 years in total (Chamlou, 2022).

Indeed, both practices are of the same in terms of scientific and medical basis. however, in terms of delivery, manner and objectives, Psychology is different from Psychiatry (author).


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Why is Psychology needed in the Philippines Now?


The practice of Psychology in the Philippines may not be that yet acceptable, but nowadays, Psychology really is needed to battle mental health issues. In an article by Lobien (2019), it has been stated that many BS graduates shift to more “lucrative” professions like in human resources, the academe or guidance counseling, or worse, a totally different profession, instead of being a psychologist – someone who can give and interpret psychological exams, counsel people undergoing adversities, and even provide therapies to those in need, therefore prevent suicide.

?In the recent COVID-19 surges, a large chunk of the population is affected not just physically and economically, but also psychosocially. Losing contact with people and being unable to interact has a very harmful impact on our mental well-being. There must be a cushion to save us from this crash. For us average people, social interactions are of vital importance. It is necessary to support affected individuals in finding ways to stay connected with others, especially when in isolation. (“[OPINION] Why the PH needs more psychological first aiders”) Hence, we must provide psychological first aid (Sitchon, 2020).

In the industrial setting, Psychological Association in the Philippines cited a position that indeed the profession is needed in the corporate practice. Given the diversity of practice in IO Psychology, their stand is that licensure will be applicable to those involved in psychological counseling (such as industrial and career counseling as well as employee debriefing) and psychological assessment in the workplace (such as in leadership assessment and employee selection). "Psychologists engaged in psychological assessment need to take “Examination Subjects for Psychometricians” and its corresponding required subjects." (“Psychological Association of the Philippines”) Psychologists doing psychological counseling, on the other hand, need to take the “Examination Subjects for Psychologists” and its required courses such as Advanced Abnormal Psychology, Advanced Theories of Personality, Advanced Psychological Assessment and Psychological Counseling and Psychotherapy.

?"The Psychology Act also covers psychological interventions such as coaching and group processes." (“Psychological Association of the Philippines”)

?However, the operative term here is ‘psychological’ hence they interpret this in terms of life coaching, group therapy and other clinical interventions. "They do not believe the law covers workplace coaching (e.g., performance and career coaching which are normal functions of supervisors)." (“Psychological Association of the Philippines”) They also do not believe that the law covers workplace training and development and employee relations programs given their diverse and multidisciplinary nature.



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Given the vast citations, historical and even contemporary studies about Psychology, what matters really at the end of the day would be the clients receiving the therapy, the service, or the counseling. The primary ROI of what has been studied for almost 10 years to be an expert would be mental wellness, removal of the daily sadness and adjustment to normal life’s adversities. Therefore, to be effective, it’s recommended to measure the number of successful customer experience, recovered patients, organizations with lesser unplanned resignations due to job dissatisfaction, lesser suicides, and a generally happier community living in harmony.




Chamlou, N. (2022, April 20).?The Differences Between Psychology and Psychiatry?[Review of?The Differences Between Psychology and Psychiatry]. Psychology.org. https://www.psychology.org/resources/differences-between-psychology-and-psychiatry/

Cherry, K. (2020, June 10).?What Is Psychology??[Review of?What Is Psychology?]. Verywellmind. https://www.verywellmind.com/psychology-4014660

Felipe, A. I. (2002). The Filipino psychologist and the world of psychology. Philippine Journal of Psychology, 35(1).

Guthrie, G. M., & Bulatao, J. (1968). Psychology in the Philippines. Psychologia: An International Journal of Psychology in the Orient, 11(3–4), 201–206.

Lobien, P. (2019, November 6). More psychologists needed vs. depression: Expert. Philippine News Agency. https://www.pna.gov.ph/articles/1085175

Lopena, G. T. (2012). Employability of University of Bohol, BS Psychology Graduates.?ACADEME University of Bohol, Graduate School and Professional Studies,?1(1).

Sitchon, J. (2020, July 24).?[OPINION] Why the PH needs more psychological first aiders?[Review of?[OPINION] Why the PH needs more psychological first aiders]. Rappler. https://www.rappler.com/voices/ispeak/opinion-why-philippines-needs-more-psychological-first-aiders/

Symington, N. (2012).?Investigating graduate employability and psychological career resources?(Doctoral dissertation, University of Pretoria).


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