What is the difference between the throne, the chair, and the kingdom?

What is the difference between the throne, the chair, and the kingdom?

What is the difference between the throne, the chair, and the kingdom?

?Prof. Dr. Abdelrazak Mansour Ali

?There are many methods and means used by the enemies of Islam in their fight against it, but the most dangerous method used by the haters was the method of disturbing the beliefs of Muslims by using their tools from the locals who are affiliated with Islam and dressed them as scholars to corrupt the religion of people and mislead them by spreading the doctrines of misguidance and corruption in the name of religion, scholars and their sheiks. We try to ponder the verses of the holy Qur’an and strive to expose the falsehood of these people. - Let us remember some of the following important terms:

The throne in the Arabic dictionary: is the house, the roof, and the kingdom. In the Holy Qur’an, mention of the throne always comes after the creation of the heavens and the earth, and this means that the throne is the completion of the construction and creation of the heavens and the earth, and the culmination of that is the domination of God Almighty over them, i.e. the power of command and prohibition.

The chair in the Arabic dictionary. The man’s chair: knowledge crowded his brain, and the chair: the highest scientific position in the university occupied by a professor. From it, the colloquial name is a book or notebook in which science is written. That is, the word chair is derived from knowledge, not from a wooden chair or anything else.

Al-Mallacoota (Kingdom) in the dictionary: It is the control of everything and the power over it: and we note that the word angel, angels, and kingdom are derived from the same root, which suggests that angels have a role or function in the system and program of the kingdom, and this is indeed what we discover from the verses of the Holy Qur’an...

So, the kingdom is the program for controlling and operating the heavens and the earth and what is in between, God Almighty said(Indeed, His command when He wills something, is to say to it, "Be," and it is. Glory be to Him in Whose hand is the kingdom of everything, and to Him, you shall be returned)-Yasin82- 83. That is, God’s command necessitates the presence of his angels for its implementation, “who never disobey whatever Allah orders and always doing as commanded”. to complete the meaning of the Almighty’s saying, “Glory be to Him in whose hand is the kingdom of everything.”

So, each angel or group of angels is programmed and allocated with a specific function that does not transcend it and does not know anything else. For example the ranks of the angels, the shrieking ones, the drowning ones, the messengers by custom, the rulers by command..etc. All of these are the names of the functions of the angels. As for the bearers of the throne, their job title is to follow up and monitor the structure of the throne, just as we say that so-and-so bears some responsibility. And defining the functions of Angles is indicated by God Almighty saying on His angels (There is not one of us without an assigned rank of worship) and none of us has a known station) - Al-Safat 164. So the throne, the chair, and the kingdom do not bear any meaning or form of embodiment at all.

As for the anthropomorphic concept developed by traditionalists and narrators of hadiths, it is a concept of extreme intellectual backwardness and polytheism in God Almighty, because they liken God Almighty, the Creator, to His creatures. The traditionalists were not satisfied and did not stop explaining (the Throne and Chair of the Most Merciful) by anthropomorphizing and depicting it with the chair on which the Most Merciful can sit like presidents and kings (God Almighty is far above that), but they put in it a narration that said (the throne of the Most Merciful was shaken by the death of Saad bin Muath) with joy at Saad’s forthcoming. As if the Throne of the Most Merciful was waiting for the arrival of Saad bin Muath, as he may weaken and shake the Throne and undermine the strength, level, and dominance of the Lord of the Worlds over His Throne... Certainly, it is a false narration against the Prophet, “peace be upon him" like the rest of the narrations. And by the way, if this hadith is mentioned in the ears of some people, they will shout at the top of their voices, “God is great,” even though the hadith contradicts and undermines the “God is great,” as it portrays the “throne of the Most Merciful” as weak, fragile and undermines the pride and position of God Almighty. And after all this crime against God Almighty and all the other fabrications that are abundant in hadiths and heritage books, many still believe in heritage and lies and sanctify them instead of God Almighty and prefer them to the Noble Qur’an and its clear verses. And we, in turn, exalt God Almighty for their fabrications and crimes against Him, and we apologize to Him for what they said. (Glory be to Him, the Exalted, above what they said).

2- Dominating over the throne is the power to command and forbid. In his kingdom, he must know what he commands and forbids. Hence the concept of (the chair) came, when he said, “And they do not comprehend anything of His knowledge except with what He will. His throne encompasses the heavens and the earth.” Al-Baqarah. 255 - The Chair, then, is “the absolute knowledge of God surrounding the heavens and the earth and all the sciences and all the information that we know and that we do not know or even imagine”.

And because God Almighty is the one who created the universe, God know who created and know the laws and system of operation of the universe and the past, present, and future events - (How could He not know His Own creation? For He ?alone? is the Most Subtle, All-Aware.) - Al-Mulk. Verse,14

?To bring the concept of the chair closer to mind, let us imagine a “great computer” that contains all the operating programs of the heavens and the earth and the work system in all creatures, in addition to a database of all past, present and future events from the largest celestial body to the smallest components of the atom and DNA to the extent that the computer data does not neglect to mention the story of tiny seed in the depths of the earth, or the story of a leaf falling from a tree somewhere at a certain time (And He knows what is in the land and sea. Not even a leaf falls without His knowledge, nor a grain in the deep darkness of the earth or anything, green or dry-but is ?written? in a perfect Record) Al-An'am- verse 59. It is obvious that this computer should have a password because the Almighty is the one who designed it and placed the computer keys (Password). So, the key to the computer "chair" only God knows. (And He has the keys of the unseen, none knows it except Him) - Al-An’am-59. The chair was mentioned once in the Holy Qur’an (in contrast to the Throne, which means that it is one Chair for one God. As for the Throne, it was mentioned many times because it is possible for the Throne to be with any king or. A tyrant ruler, unlike the chair, is pure to God alone.

Conclusion: The Throne = King of the Heavens and the Earth + Domination.

* The Chair = God’s All-Knowing.

* The kingdom = a program to control and operate the throne.

Examples of hadiths and sayings about the chair and the throne are for those who want to make sure of the crime of anthropomorphism and slander against God Almighty and His position.

And I advise you not to read it until after taking a sufficient dose of contemplation on the verses of the Holy Qur’an to be immune against the mind-destroying viruses spread in traditional and hadiths.


1- Abu Dhar said: I heard the Messenger of God, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, say: “The chair in the Throne is nothing but a ring of iron thrown between my back and a piece of the earth.” Read Explanation of Al-Aqedah Al-Tahawiyyah” (pg. 312, 313)

- And Ibn Uthaymeen said in the Book of Monotheism, that the correct view is: The chair is the place for the feet and the Throne is the one upon which the Most Merciful settled.

?2- On the authority of Ibn Abbas, may God be pleased with them, “The throne is the place of the feet, and the throne is not valued by anyone.” Narrated by Abdullah bin Ahmed in Sunnah, and Ibn Khuzaymah in Monotheism. And in the explanation of the Encyclopedia of the Prophetic Hadiths, they said: That is, the chair that God added to Himself is the place for His feet, the Highest, and this meaning that Ibn Abbas, may God be pleased with them, mentioned in the chair is well-known among the Sunnis, and it is preserved from him, and in that is proof of the attribute of the feet of God Almighty as befitting with his greatness

-Now, dear reader, I have confirmed how the enemies of Islam managed the traditionalists and narrators of hadiths and dressed them as scholars in order to corrupt their religion for people and destroy the religion of Islam from within.


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