What Is Difference Between Intrinsic Value & Instrumental Value????????
Dr Sunil Sable, MD, Holistic Health Coach, Author,Speaker
Corporate Wellness Coach/Hand Hold Corporates Achieve Holistic Health/ Consulted 10,000+ clients/International Best Seller Author /Ped Neurologist
Story ??????????
A man went to saint and ask him “Guruji, pray to God for me so that God gives me gold.”
Saint “Why do you want gold”
Man “I will sell it and will get a lot of money”
Saint “Why can’t you ask money directly then”
Man “Then pray for money”
Saint “Why do you want money?”
Man “I will buy big bungalow, car”
Saint “Why don’t you ask big bungalow, car?”
Man “Then pray for big bungalow, car”
Guruji “Why do you want bungalow, car?”
Man “It will make me happy”
Guruji “Then why don’t you ask happiness directly?”
?Moral- Peace of mind, happiness is intrinsic value while money, mansion, name, fame is instrumental value. We should give enough effort to earn instrumental value but should not become obsessed with it and forget about intrinsic value because ultimate aim of instrumental value is intrinsic value i.e. peace and happiness.
?One should have balance in life. I am not against working hard to earn money and have good lifestyle but we should have work-life balance to lead more fulfilling life. We should be prosperous but on the other hand we should also strive to become healthy and happy. There should be balance between prosperity and health, happiness.
Dr Sunil Sable,
Ped. Neurologist,
Stress Management Consultant,
Wellness Coach,
International Number 1 Best Seller Author.