What is the difference between a hard link and a symbolic link?
-What is a Soft link?: a sof link also known as symbolic link works as a pointer, basically points/links to the file path or direction.
-What is a Hard link?: a hard link is connected with the file throught the inode which stores essential information about the file itself such as it’s location, creation date, permissions and other attributes.
-How to create them:
Create a Hard link:
ln?File Hardlinktofile
Create a Soft link:
Symbolic links are also created with the command?ln, but for the link to be soft we need to specify the parameter?-s, to create a symbolic link to the file Filesoft called Softlinktofile run:
ln?-s?Filesoft Softlinktofile
?-What is the difference between them?
I hope you found this article useful to understand the differences between hard links and symbolic links and how to create them.Thanks for reading!