What is the difference between Green,Yellow and Blue painters tape?
Painters Tape Paper Backing
While both Green, blue and yellow painters tapes are coating Water-based acrylic adhesive. Blue painters tape has a Blue crepe paper, which has a large thickness and large tensile strength. On the other hand, Green and Yellow painters tape has a Washi paper that tends to better conformable.
Painters Tape Bleeding
Blue painters tape may bleed or leave residue behind. The yellow painter’s tape will not bleed or pucker when using water-based lucite house paints as masking tape does.
Painters Tape Residue
The adhesive on blue painters tape could also cause the tape to leave a sticky residue behind. The mess is difficult to clean. However, Green and Yellow painters tape does work well if you’re painting walls because it comes off glass cleanly.
Painters Tape Clean Lines
Technically, both colored painters tape types can help you achieve a clean, straight line. However, Yellow painters tape tends to adhere to surfaces better and longer. You can leave yellow painters tape on a surface for up to 14 days without causing harm. Blue painters tape can also produce clean lines if you remove it within 3 days of applying it, but the tape is not reliable for a long time.