What is the difference between expectation and agreement?

What is the difference between expectation and agreement?

What are your expectations in life?

What are your Should/s in other worlds He should, she should, they should, I should , I could have e.t.c

What if instead of expectations first, you create an agreement with yourself starting by loving What IS.

Don’t you think your life will be much easier and happier if you drop your expectation of your Should/s and Could/s

How many times a day you say I expect you ….. , You should…… I should …..

How many times do you hear you should have and how does that make you feel?

Human beings don’t like expectations and ultimately resist any kind of expectations. Because we all have a free spirit inside of us. Some of us express it more and some of us express it less but we all have a free spirit.

Expectations cause resistance, shame, and guilt.

I have been working in corporate for 20 years changed at least 7 jobs trying to find a nice place to work. Just walk into any office and, if you are honest, you can see it is all built on expectations which create judgment, frustration, stress, anxiety, a drop in productivity, and hours spent in bathrooms gossiping about who should have done what……

Isn’t this rather insane?

We all talk about healthy work-life balance with all these different wellness programs, which in reality is BS, doesn’t exist and we are so scared to let go of expectations because our Ego is so big.

Just imagine instead of expectations you create agreement, you let go of expectations and what you will see ?

Productivity will go up

People will be more engaged

We need to create agreement and not expectation. It will remove all the He/she /they should which will lead to no emotional guilt and shame.

You will free up the energy that will help you to be more creative.

What about relationships either with our spouse or our kids?

The same thing applies

My husband should, my wife should, my kids should, I should …….. you can easily make the list it is 80% of your daily language.

How do you feel when your should/s your expectations are not met, are not fulfilled?

You feel frustrated, angry, guilty, judgmental you tune into the negative pole of energies that you want to avoid and let go.

What if you just LOVE WHAT IS


But not easy to do for the majority of people


We can talk about generations of conditioning by our parents, grandparents, teachers, and so on…….

Just think how would you feel if you turn your He/she, I?should to LOVE what is

On the energetic level if the other person doesn’t hear and feel that she or he should do something because it is expected of them they stop resisting and they will do what you want them to do once you stop expecting them to do that.

Isn’t this magic?

It is a simple shift in mindset

Not easy for everyone to apply.

Just try it, stop expecting your kids for example to clean their room, LOVE WHAT IS, rather make an agreement with them don’t try to trade things like if you clean your room I will buy you a skirt or whatever you trade. If you trade, your love for your kids is not unconditional because you have just made a condition and they learn it.

?When you do this your energy must be clear what I meant by that you can’t have your expectations hold secretly in your mind because it is not going to work.

For example, you say my husband should love me more, my wife should pay more attention to me

What if you turn it around and say I should love myself more. Because if I do my husband will start to notice and love me more.

Your kids, your spouse your boss are a mirror reflection of how you think and feel.

With your kids, for example, you expect them to do their bed every day what if you just surrender to what IS, if they do their bed it is great if they don’t you are still happy and joyful it is not going to blow your day to drive you crazy and make you frustrated and angry feeling unworthy. You create your story in your mind and you repeat it many times you memorize the feelings the emotion of your story. And it is become your unconscious behavior program.

It is our expectations of ourselves and others that make us feel unworthy.

Learn how to love yourself and how to love WHAT IS

The truth is you don’t even know if your expectations are really true.

For example, you say my husband should stop smoking

Is that true?

Do you really know that he should stop smoking?

When you expect something of someone you are not in your business. It is probably true to you but not to him.

Just imagine how would you feel if you drop all the should/s and could/s in your life.

The expectation is like a virus that starts at work everyone expects us to do something so we are surrendered by the energy of stress, judgment, anxiety and then we bring the same energy home and put expectations on our kids, spouse, ourselves.

I should, He should, She should and it leaves you to feel frustrated, unhappy, empty, stuck, unworthy, sad.

Do you think it is worth it?

I can tell you I’m not perfect we are all humans but one thing I make sure I’m not expecting anything I have high intentions but they are not expectation, there is no I should, He should, She should in my life this energy is not loving to me. And if I do sometimes I quickly catch myself and surrender to WHAT IS making an agreement with myself first and surrender if it happens it is good if it not I’m still happy and creative,because if something is not working how I want it means there is always something better.

When your mind is calm your mind is creative your mind always knows what to say, and who to email.

See we live in that weird root I should, I could, He should, She should 80% of our day?produces same feelings, same thoughts every single day and becomes our unconscious program. So we feel guilty most of our lives not even realizing it.

This is what we repeated so many times to our subconscious mind that now this is what she gives us back, the same feeling over and over again stuck in a root.

This is the biggest virus in our modern society! That ruins life and relationships

And all that is required is a simple shift in your mindset.

What you will get you will be

Happy, you will feel worthy, Loved, Joyful. You will start living again.

We have forgotten that we are human BEINGS AND NOT DOINGS????????????

You can get everything done with ease and joy.

Drop your expectations and learn how to LOVE WHAT IS, crate agreements.

Surrender to Infinite Possibilities, Surrender to the unknown.

Everything you ever wanted is much closer than you think it is on the other side of all your fear, doubts, expectations, and worries.

visit my website if you want to know more about how to live a happy, fulfilled and healthy life how crate agreement rather then expectations.




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