Brand Identitybrand conveys an identity through its colors, values, and messages. It is about how your business wants to be seen in its market.
On the other hand, brand Image is about how people see your brand. It is about how people see your brand and its personality.
- Brand Identity: - A Brand Identity, also known as the visual identity, confines all the visual aspects that you have created to make your brand stand out, or make it unique in a market full of similar competitors of the same niche. It contains the logo, style, colors, typography, accent, consistency in image formats and styles, etc and anything else that helps the customer to differentiate your brand from the others.Brand identity is how a company wants to be perceived by its customers. It is the collection of all elements that a company creates to portray the right image to its consumer. - It is the outward expression of a brand, including its name, logo, design, messaging, and other visual and verbal cues that help differentiate the brand from competitors. - Brand identity is created by the company itself and is the strategic foundation on which the brand is built. - It is what the company wants consumers to think, feel, and remember when they interact with the brand.Brand identity actually tells “who you really are”. It is enduring and signifies “where you want to be”. Brand identity develops from the company's effort.
- Brand Image: - A Brand image is a feeling, or what the customers think about your brand.Brand Image is the total character of the brand. It is the set of perceptions that the customers have in mind about a particular brand.Brand image, on the other hand, is how the brand is actually perceived by customers, stakeholders, and the general public. It is the perception that people have of the brand based on their experiences, interactions, and associations with it. - Brand image is the result of the cumulative experiences and interactions that people have with the brand over time. - It is influenced by various factors such as advertising, customer service, product quality, brand reputation, word-of-mouth, and social media. - Brand image is subjective and can vary from person to person based on their individual experiences and perceptions. Brand Image actually tells “How market perceives you?”. It is superficial and signifies “what you have got”.