What is the difference between AI and ML?
There is nothing new about AI and ML. Everything around it is new

What is the difference between AI and ML?

Know the difference between Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML).

WHY IT MATTERS: Words are important. They need to be defined and used consistently so we all can disagree and agree with identical foundations of understanding. AI and ML are used interchangeably and at the same time by many, myself included. Know the difference and only use the correct one.

  • Without common foundation we cannot have meaningful argument.
  • Be precise in language
  • Understand what you are saying

I write this for myself but publish in case useful for others.


Artificial Intelligence is the pursuit of enabling machines to think like humans.
Machine Learning is an AI technique to train computers on large datasets and be able to present thinking as if intelligent, based on the dataset.

Artificial General Intelligence (AGI) is the end state where machines are universally intelligent like humans, rather than being "domain intelligent", as their behaviour suggests they are today.

We are far removed from AGI today. There is much discussion about how intelligent todays AI's are? The latest wave of progress in AI is based on Deep Learning, a subcategory of Machine Learning, which is a subcategory of Artificial Intelligence. The models of today have ingested massive scale datasets but without awareness of what they are ingesting, can they really be classified as intelligent?

Do they understand the concept of what a human is and thus what intelligence is? I do not think so but there is are interesting different points of view here (interesting thread)

AI and ML are not new

The original description of AI comes from the Dartmouth Summer Research Project proposal in 1956 defines AI as “the conjecture that every aspect of learning or any other feature of intelligence can in principle be so precisely described that a machine can be made to simulate it.” [ref]. For all telecom enthusiasts, Claude Shannon was one of the four person proposal team.

Machine Learning was first defined in 1959 by Arthur Samuel as the “field of study that gives computers the ability to learn without being explicitly programmed". His initial field of study - Computer Checkers.

There is nothing new about machine learning and artificial intelligence. What is new is the access to massive compute resources, access to massive datasets and humans having massive access to all of the above.

If the Dartmouth four and Arthur Samuel were alive today, they would describe what is happening as unimaginable.

IF YOU REMEMBER ONE THING: Words and associated meanings matter, let's use them with discipline and consistency.

Feel free to stop reading here.

Below is some fun - how the difference between AI and ML would be described by Barack Obama, Donald Trump, Boris Johnson, Shakespeare, in a Haiku, and more...

Just for Fun

I asked AI...

Definition that a Seven Year Old Could Understand

"AI stands for Artificial Intelligence, which means making computers think like people. ML stands for Machine Learning, which is a way to teach computers to learn from data. So, AI is like the big idea of making smart computers, and ML is one way to make them smart by teaching them with data. It’s like how you learn new things by reading books or watching videos!"

Rhyming poem

In the realm of tech where data does dwell,

A tale of two concepts I'm here to tell,

AI and machine learning, though kin by design,

Hold differences subtle, in this rhyme, I'll define.

AI's the umbrella, a canopy grand,

Covering the field with a wide-reaching hand,

From logic to learning, its realms are vast,

A future it's molding, a link to the past.

Machine learning's a branch, under AI's broad shade,

Where patterns and data in concert are played,

Through algorithms refined and models quite neat,

It gives predictions and insights, a feat hard to beat.

AI's a broad spectrum, it's general, you see,

From robotics to language, it's complex as can be,

Machine learning's a part, a method that's clear,

For finding the patterns in data that's near.

So machine learning learns from the data it's fed,

While AI's the big picture, a field widespread,

In harmony they work, in technology's dance,

Two parts of a whole, in a digital romance.

Machine learning's a subset, a piece of the pie,

A slice of the whole that AI does supply,

Together they march in the tech world's advance,

In patterns and logic, they lead us a dance.


AI's broader scope,

Machine learning finds patterns,

Subset of the whole.

Shakespeare Sonnet

AI's vast domain,

Machine learning's precise art,

A subset contained.

In tech's grand theater,

A tale unfolds with grace,

Complexity's embrace.

These two, though intertwined,

Hold distinctions quite refined,

A dance of mind and machine combined.

For AI's the stage, vast and wide,

Machine learning's the act, in stride,

Together they perform, side by side.

Barack Obama

"Now, let me be clear, in the vast world of technology, we've got something called AI - that's Artificial Intelligence. It's a broad umbrella, encompassing a multitude of areas, from robotics to language understanding.

Then there's machine learning. It's a specific part of AI, focusing on teaching computers to learn from data, to recognize patterns, and to make decisions.

So, you see, AI is like our great nation, rich with diversity and full of potential. Machine learning is a shining example of innovation within that landscape. Together, they represent the promise of a brighter future, guided by wisdom, creativity, and the endless pursuit of progress."

Donald Trump

"Look, everybody's talking about this, AI and machine learning. Tremendous things, absolutely tremendous. AI? That's the big picture. Huge. Covers everything. You wouldn't believe how big it is. People are amazed by it, truly amazed.

Now, machine learning? That's part of AI. It's winning with data. It's finding patterns like nobody's business. We've got the best people working on it. The best. It's like nothing you've ever seen before.

So you've got AI, and then you've got machine learning under it. One's big, the other's incredible in its own way. Together? They're making technology great again, believe me. No one does it better. No one."

Boris Johnson

"Ah, yes, Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning, two towering achievements of our time, a bit like the monumental columns of ancient Greece, if you will. Now, let me elucidate in my own fashion, with a touch of British flair.

Artificial Intelligence, you see, is this colossal umbrella, an all-encompassing phenomenon akin to the great expanse of the British Empire at its zenith. It's broad, it's diverse, it covers everything from reasoning to problem-solving - the full Monty, as it were.

Now, Machine Learning, that's the ticket if you want something more specialised. Imagine it as the cricketer's perfect stroke, honed through practice and repetition. It's about learning from data, finding patterns, a meticulous craft guided by algorithms and sheer brilliance.

So, if AI is a grand, sweeping symphony of intelligence, Machine Learning is the virtuoso solo, a specific tune played with finesse. One grand, one precise, both essential to the digital landscape, much like tea and biscuits on a rainy London afternoon. Splendid!"

AI Joke

Why did the AI break up with Machine Learning?

Because every time they tried to connect, Machine Learning said, "Sorry, I need more data to commit!"

Rajeshwar Singh Tomar

Data Engineer | Java | Hadoop | Spark | Kafka | Mysql | No Sql Database | AWS

1 年

Very informative post and very beautifully presented. Great work ??

Leonard Lee

Tech Industry Advisor & Realist dedicated to making you constructively uncomfortable. Ring the bell ?? and subscribe to next-curve.com for the tech and industry insights the matter!

1 年

The difference between the technology (science & math) and the application. That is how I have always seen it. This is how I explain it to my clients,... and it works. :-)

Brian Baumley

Telling tech & telecom's most exciting stories at BLB Communications

1 年

Interesting, the Trump version SOUNDS like him but too cleverly arrives at an actual explanation. More ML needed to understand he never actually makes a coherent point.

Monica Paolini

Principal at Senza Fili

1 年

That's an important distinction that often gets lost. Everything has AI this days - even my toothbrush, and it is a good one, but does it really use AI? But I was disappointed you did not write the poetry yourself...


