What did you learn this week?
You have a superpower. Yes, you. Whatever it is that makes you uniquely who you are, share it with the world. We all need you.
One evening last week, my husband and I were entrusted with the care of a family member. Sometime during the evening, they weren’t feeling well and I just didn’t know what to do – I froze. My husband; however, immediately set things in motion – gave us directions and we all followed his lead and offered support. I recall feeling a pang of guilt because I didn’t know what to do in that moment. Shouldn’t I have? After all women are more nurturing right? What a stereotype! I quickly realized that this is my husband’s superpower, not mine and this is how he shows up often. And that’s ok. I’m so thankful for him. So, what did I learn?
I learned that we all have superpowers to share with the world. It’s fruitless to focus on where you’re not strong. That’s selfish. It doesn’t mean you can’t improve in certain areas of your life; we should try to be better. I just learned that rather than focusing on where you’re not strong; find your own superpower and be ready to show up for and share it with those who need you.
Now as I prepare for a new workweek, I’m looking forward to the next opportunity to support my fellow heroes or to share my own superpowers with those who need me.?