Barry Gottlieb
Founder/President | Trusted Business Advisor, Personal Mentor, Author, Keynote Speaker
One of the greatest sources of frustration for most people is caused by their expectations
We continually expect people to do things the same way that we would, and with the same level of intensity and passion. We also expect them to achieve the same results that we would have; had we done them ourselves.
The end result is usually one of disappointment and frustration for both parties.
The truth is, it is unrealistic to expect that everyone is going to do things the same way that you would do them.
We are all different and unique. Our experiences and education, along with our training, are all going to be at different levels.?
Their level of passion depends on many factors, including their individual beliefs, desires, and personal histories.
In our professional lives as well as our personal lives, we face these challenges on a regular basis. When someone does not meet the desired expectations, most people choose to place the blame and responsibility on the other person.
This, however, does not remedy the situation. On the contrary, it only fuels the fire.?
When someone does not meet your expectations, I would suggest you stop and ask yourself this simple question. Do you really believe it was their intention to let you down? In almost every instance, the answer to this question would be, “No“.
What is important is that you recognize that it wasn’t because they intended to upset you. Once you fully understand that, you can begin to formulate a new strategy that will get you the desired outcome.
Remember that the #1 motivator of peak performance is a clearly defined purpose (goals and objectives). We need to make sure they:
* UNDERSTAND the goals/objectives
* Know HOW to achieve those objectives (the activities/actions)
* Know WHY what they are doing matters
* Create a SCORECARD to measure the execution
Clarity is the Key!
Action steps…
* Accept people, including yourself, for who they are and what they are capable of
* Encourage them to do more, to learn, to grow
* Let them know you believe in them
* Celebrate the differences and identify their strengths
* Make sure you have the right person for the right task
* Allow them to grow and improve at a reasonable pace
* Make sure your objectives are clearly defined and specific
* Clarity of purpose comes from great communication
* Be patient
* Be tolerant
* Be understanding
* Be accepting
* Be firm, but fair… When a person does not perform at a level that they are capable of; find out why, and let them know they are better than that. Encourage them to take ownership for their action
* Catch others doing things right… Praise them for it
* Inspect what you expect
Remember… Every day is a gift, and the quality of your life is your gift to yourself.?