What did William T. Sherman and Robert E. Lee think of each other?

What did William T. Sherman and Robert E. Lee think of each other?


They had a profoundly intimate relationship. Sherman was very fond of the South and been president of a southern collefe after the Mexican War. He made what turned out to be a wildly optimistic estimate of the human carnage of the coming hostilities and was derided like the Dixie Chichs when he made his opinion public, People called him crazy. Like when Dave Chappelle walked awasy from Netflix.

Grant disagreed publically in the manner of a man who had been cheated, himself, by his nature.

That was way before Shiloh, Shiloh surprised everyone and Sherman’s “crazy” turned to charges of incomptence on the field by basically the same people who are Swift Boating Walz, currently, This sort of Mickey Mouse chicken shit defines a great deal of doing business in the U.S. by god Army. One of the reasons why they made all the draftee helicopter pilots warrant officers is so tht they could largely avoid all the Mickey Mouse busllshit a private can accumulate walking to the Px.

One of my principles of leaderhip is “Thou shalt not hassle”. As an officer, there is a certain amount of Mickey Mouse bullshit you have to inflict just to make sure your troops have everything they need to accomplish the mission, One of the things I learned from packing a modified T-10 parachute I had just jumped and wanted to do it again was that neatness counts. IThe T-10 oarachute is the perfect memorial to the instrumental intent of Clausewitz’s On War. It is a machine designed to exploint gravity and wind resistance for a successful operaation, It is what Zero Defects was supposed to be about.

And that was the basis of their relationship, that instrumental congruence that manifested at its fullest expression at Vicksburg, when Sherman admitted to Grant that, until that very moment, he had no idea what Grant was trying to do, That’s the faith Jesus is talking about in Matthew 8:10. And, at some point after Shiloh, Grant fell into some disrepute over drinking and Sherman covered his ass on the same basis Grant covered his. I mean, after Atlanta, Sherman just disappears into the ether, Grant was far more concerend to get George Thomas going than to woory about Sherman, And it was Grant and Sherman (and I think David Porter of the USN): it was his boat) who met with Lincoln at Hampton Roads to discuss the pending parole of Robert E. Lee and the Army of Northern Virginia, The spiritual penumbra of that gathering on that boat began with the faith Grant and Sherman had in themselves, in each other and the enterprise in which they were dedicated. Lincoln just made it a Volcan mind weld.

This is what Janury 6 violated.. It is the consequence of the operations of Project 2025 since 1960.


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