What did the November election mean for Washingtonians?
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?In this edition of The Checkup, Zach Snyder returns to give us an important legislative update. Zach is the Government Affairs Director at Cambia. He keeps close track of all the healthcare proposals in Olympia and does an incredible job breaking this legal-speak into terms we can all understand. I’m so grateful for his expertise and time. What happens in Olympia directly impacts the health plans we have access to and buy in Washington State. Further still, when legislators seek new mandates or funding of healthcare initiatives, they often look to insurance companies for assessments that ultimately end up as pass through cost to the group plans you purchase for your employees.
First, what the heck happened in November? Initiative 976 is getting a lot of attention and there are many implications. Voters have been heard loud and clear, but will this be the catalyst that pushes Washington to a state income tax? One thing we know for certain. There is a gap in funding that will be filled in some way and we may not like that option either. Beyond I-976, in Seattle what began as an election primarily about homelessness became about Amazon. Has the voter cry against big business and the weariness of new taxes paved the way for another head tax in Seattle or King County? 2020 will soon tell.
There is much at stake with a new majority in the State legislature that is progressive and much more willing to push the big changes their constituents are demanding. What does this mean for what’s around the corner in January with a new session? When I listen to earlier legislative episodes with Zach, I realize many of his predictions have come to pass.
What is Zach watching in 2020? From state elections to the new session, there are several big ones. Funding for I-976 will be a big deal as well as the funding for new programs that voters are also demanding. As voters, we will really need to decide – do we want the new programs at the price tag they come with? Specific to healthcare, here’s Zach’s watch-list:
- Coverage for undocumented immigrants
- Foundational public health funding
- Premium subsides
Listen to the latest update for the full update and more importantly, to stay engaged with what’s happening at our State’s capital. What a privilege to have a democratic process so that citizens like you and I really can be heard and make a difference. If you doubt that possibility, listen to Zach tell the inspiring story of hairdressers in Washington State who changed the course with nothing but can-do attitude and social media. We’re all in this together.