What is the Diamond Model of Intrusion Analysis? Why Does It Matter?
Learn the importance of the Diamond Model of Intrusion Analysis in cybersecurity field within 1 minute.

What is the Diamond Model of Intrusion Analysis? Why Does It Matter?

What is Diamond Model of Intrusion Analysis?

The Diamond Model of Intrusion Analysis is a model to describe cyber attacks. It contains 4 parts - adversary, infrastructure, capability, and target. It gives analysts a comprehensive view of cyber attacks.

  • Adversary: Where are attackers from? Who are the attackers? Who is the sponsor? Why attack? What is the activity timeline and planning?
  • Infrastructure: Infected computer(s), C2 domain names, location of C2 servers, C2 server types, mechanism and structure of C2, data management & control, and data leakage paths
  • Capability: What skills do the attackers have to do reconnaissance, deliver their attacks, attack exploits and vulnerabilities, deploy their remote-controlled malwares and backdoors, and develop their tools?
  • Target: Who is their target country/region, industry sector, individual, or data?

Why Does It Matter?

For various cyber attacks, the diamond model of intrusion analysis can help enterprise cybersecurity teams find system breaches and deal with them. By doing so, they can successfully achieve cybersecurity defense goals.

Diamond Model of Intrusion Analysis

We, TeamT5, is a leading brand in delivering Asia Pacific intelligence.
We concretized the Diamond Model of Intrusion Analysis concept and spider web in our company logo. The diamond that exists in the middle symbolizes Diamond Model - a model often used to describe cyber attacks in threat intelligence research. The Diamond Model includes Adversary, Capability, Infrastructure, and Victim, which are all TeamT5’s research areas.
Learn more about how we help enterprises via cyber threat intelligence: https://teamt5.org/en/products/threatvision/


