What about it?
It has been some time since I have written, and posted. I was moving countries, jobs, amongst other things. I remember reading somewhere, a habit takes 21 days to form, but only two missed days to break. Especially if it is something that needs some effort. Don't get me wrong; writing these posts are one of the few things I really enjoy. Yet, there is always an effort. Because I want to be sincere about it, if not serious (see the book Feel Good Productivity ). Moral of the story, I am not giving up on this so easily.
About today's edition, the first edition of 2024, I want to write about the art of taking a step back, and asking oneself "What About It????"
Have you ever found yourself creating past or futuristic scenarios in your mind, playing it along in millions of ways, trying to change the outcome? And even if it does change in your mind, you still end up feeling exhausted, or empty? Do you find yourself sucked into unnecessary drama, but you realise that it was both "Unnecessary", and "Drama" only after it is over? Do you find every conversation to be exhausting or worse, argumentative? If you have been in any of the above even remotely, then greetings mate! You know you are not alone.
There is a continuous conflict breeding in our hearts every moment of our being. Part of it is physical, for we forget that human body is no different than house plants: it needs ample water, nutrition, sunlight, wind, shade, rest, and an amiable environment to thrive, sometimes even survive. A slight change in any of these, and there is bound to be a disturbance. But today, I am not talking about it. Here I'm talking about the the general sense of unrest and anxiety that we carry, and carry it so naturally, that sometimes we don't even realise it. This feeling of unrest or conflict is what we project outside as well as get projected with. This creates a ripple effect of conflicts which sucks out everything. A simple way to save yourself from this drama is to step back and ask yourself "What About It?"
If you are afraid of something in the future, WHAT ABOUT IT? Are you doing something? CAN YOU do anything? If something from the past is bothering you, WHAT ABOUT IT? Its gone! You want to feel bad about it, absolutely, be my guest. But at least identify that such and such happened and it makes you sad because you can no longer do anything about it. Those were the simple ones. The biggest traps are arguments. We have opinions about everything, everyone. About countries, religions, political parties, ideologies, poetry, music, sports, space, movies, wars, economy, MOST OFTEN OTHER PEOPLE. But the key question is WHAT ABOUT IT? Why do you have to talk about something that you don't know for sure or completely? And even if you (claim to) know about it, are you, in the moment of such passionate debate, doing anything about it? NO. Then why suck yourself and those around in an unnecessary drama? Be calm, and let be. Ohh but then what do we talk about? If you reached this question (assuming you are still reading), there my friend is the key to peace! Talk when you have something worth talking about. It is not cold or intelligent, merely peaceful and just that the faculty of speech be used appropriately.
As humans, we have a continuous urge for stimulation. To talk, to listen, to read, to watch, to share. We are so uncomfortable with what lies within us that running away from it has becomes second nature. Sure there is a lot of noise in the world. But so is music. There is only one secret recipe of being at peace, that is to BE AT PEACE. Think of beautiful things, talk calm, talk soothing, if at all you do. People take pride in calling the spade a spade. In most cases that is just a narcissistic urge in the position of a self-appointed guardian of somebody you barely know. There is grace and truth in calling the heart a heart. Talking nice things is not the same as talking sugar coated. Nor am I saying one should indulge in toxic positivity by ignoring what's wrong. The Alpaca Doctrine merely urges you to add a little kindness and empathy in your interactions. If you are talking about someone/thing, let it be about something good you know about them. Until one does not expressly come and ask your opinion on what they should/should not do, why bother, WHAT ABOUT IT?