What Is DevOps and Why Does It Matter?
What is DevOps, and why is it important for your organization to understand and implement?ProfessionalDevOps.com, provides a comprehensive, non-technical explanation of what DevOps means, and explores why DevOps principles are crucial for enterprise organizations of all stripes to consider.
Though there are no surefire, “silver bullet” methods for improving IT efficiency, DevOps has yielded results that are hard to ignore. DevOps, as the name implies, integrates software development and software operations principles with the purpose of assisting enterprises in developing products faster and more efficiently. DevOps Report 2021 states that, in ten years, nearly 40,000 technical professionals from around the world have contributed to the State of DevOps body of research, the longest-running and most widely referenced DevOps research in the industry. To celebrate a decade, we invited an illustrious group of DevOps experts to respond to the data and provide recommendations for companies seeking to evolve their DevOps practices.
According to the report, high performance organizations have far higher software deployment frequencies (46 times more frequent), far faster lead time for changes (440 times faster), and a significantly lower software change failure rate (five times lower) than their lower performance counterparts.
Despite these major advantages, DevOps is a classic example of a critical, relatively new technical term that has been misunderstood or misused far too often. For many, the concept is hazy, and even a simple description of DevOps might be difficult to come by.
This lack of clarity could harm businesses and teams trying to embrace DevOps concepts, producing strategic confusion and limiting the speed and efficiency that DevOps is designed to encourage. "We needed to answer some basic questions and establish the problems we were seeking to solve," an IBM DevOps engineer noted in an InfoWorld article. You won't know which problems are worth fixing if you don't know how the task is actually done."
As software development and operations become more closely intertwined, and as companies become increasingly reliant on cloud infrastructure, executives and project managers must develop fluency in DevOps to remain competitive and ensure their teams are performing at their full potential.
DevOps should not be thought of as another vague buzzword, but rather as an important concept with the potential to dramatically improve products and businesses. This article, aimed at a relatively non-technical audience, aims first and foremost to clarify exactly what DevOps is.
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