What is DevOps?

What is DevOps?

DevOps is a set of practices combining software development (Dev) with IT operations (Ops). It aims to shorten the development life cycles of the systems while delivering software of high quality continuously. Many aspects of DevOps have been derived from the Agile method.

The three key principles of DevOps methodology are:

  • Shared ownership
  • Automated workflow, and
  • Quick feedback

Since DevOps is a wholly separate and distinct methodology, one can develop expertise in it just like any other educational or technical discipline. Thus, a person who knows about the DevOps methodology and its implementation is a DevOps engineer.?

What are The Primary Responsibilities of a DevOps Engineer?

If you are willing to be a DevOps engineer, you should be able to introduce processes, tools, and methodologies for balancing the needs across the development life cycle of the software. This cycle ranges from the deployment of coding to maintenance and updates.

What are Other Responsibilities does a DevOps Engineer Has?

Before discussing the responsibilities of a DevOps engineer, let us understand the roles of Development Teams and IT operations separately:

  • The Development teams introduce new features in an application.
  • The IT operations team preserve the ability of the application developed and released by the Development team

In this scenario, a DevOps engineer would reduce the complexities associated with the combined operations of the Development teams and the IT operations team. He will mitigate any gaps present between

  • The required actions for modifying the application, and
  • The required tasks for maintain the reliability of that application

In short, as a DevOps engineer, you will have to unify and automate all the processes. Your position will be crucial in combining the codes, maintaining the applications, and managing them. In order to perform these tasks, you will have to be familiar with development lifecycles, DevOps culture, DevOps philosophy, its tools, and practices.

Essentials of Being a DevOps Engineer:

Some essential aspects of being a DevOps engineer include

  • Enhancing the present skills and developing new ones
  • Combining tasks like data management and library updates or new products
  • Demonstrating leadership and collaboration skills across the involved teams, and
  • Understanding the basics of application development, delivery, and management

What are the Components of a DevOps Team?

The DevOps teams present in the modern-day enterprises and industries are multi-disciplinary. The engineers that are part of these teams possess the expertise in various IT fields, such as:

  • Cyber security
  • Application development
  • Security

Furthermore, the DevOps engineers who are part of today’s enterprises and businesses should also be familiar with the newer terms related to DevOps methodology, such as GitOps, DevSecOps, AIOps, NoOps, and ModelOps, etc.

Is Learning DevOps Easy?

If you are going to become a DevOps engineer, then this implies that you already have an understanding of the basics of IT and experience working in this sector. Thus, for you, acquiring the skill to become a DevOps engineer should not be a problem.

Are DevOps Jobs in Demand?

With a recent radical shift in market dynamics across the globe, it is being seen that nearly all the industries from all the disciplines are turning more and more towards digitization. This indicates the ever-increasing need for DevOps engineers to implement the DevOps methodology and principles to meet consumer needs.

How Will DevOps Benefit the Consumers and the Industries?

As aligning and collaborating tools, processes, and people is the key component of DevOps, implementing it in the industries will result in more smooth and streamlined processes. Moreover, DevOps will allow businesses to adopt new technological advancements. Additionally, a DevOps expert will help enterprises and businesses to operate in complex environments while embracing new challenges.

What Challenges can you face as a DevOps Engineer?

The core concept of DevOps culture is to share responsibilities as a team member and deliver beyond expectations. Thus, this will add an extra commitment, as you will be assumed to carry out a broader range of tasks. This is because the term “DevOps Engineer” is more of an umbrella term, with many different tasks combined.

The Evolution of Roles of DevOps Engineer:

With our world transforming digitally, there is a need of having professionals that keep themselves up-to-date with the latest innovations and advancements. This also holds for every DevOps professional.

We are saying this because, in this age, DevOps practices are not limited to developing applications and collaboration of working teams only. Instead, today’s DevOps engineers are expected to be aware of automation, cloud infrastructure and its components, and all the fundamentals and essentials of software engineering. Only by having adequate knowledge of these areas you will be able to succeed as a DevOps engineer and add value to your organization.

Job Opportunities for a DevOps Engineer

As a DevOps engineer, you can easily find job opportunities on the following platforms:

  • Stack Overflow

It is a question/answer community composed of highly skilled software professionals. The platform also has its own job board that allows potential employers to connect themselves with these developers.

At Stack Overflow, these employers keep an eye on professional DevOps engineers and professionals. Just by creating an account on Stack Overflow, you can give your DevOps career a jump start.

  • Toptal

It is a freelancing platform designed for professionals with the highest expertise in DevOps engineering.?However, you should be able to fulfil their strict hiring criteria as they only hire 3% of DevOps engineers.

  • Kube Careers

Kube Careers is a relatively new hiring platform. However, it presents the DevOps engineers and developers with specially tailored jobs on its platform. With each job, it is mentioned whether the job is office-based or remote. Thus, it will allow you to easily decide your job preferences.

  • LinkedIn

LinkedIn is one of the most renowned and reputable hiring platforms. On LinkedIn, you can easily connect with DevOps engineers like you. A major benefit of having a LinkedIn profile is that you stay notified regarding job postings from employers, such as Amazon, Apple, Zoom, Verizon, etc.

  • Indeed

Indeed has been proving itself to be the leading job listing portal for a very long time. By typing in your desired job in Indeed’s search bar, you can look at all the available job listings present on the platform.

One great thing about all of these platforms is that they ensure that you get a decent salary. By enlisting yourself on these platforms, you can indeed become carefree about the basis of your career.

Become a DevOps Engineer at AlNafi

AlNafi is a leading online teaching platform in Pakistan. It consists of highly skilled teachers that have developed premium courses for you to develop all the necessary expertise in becoming a top-tier DevOps engineer. Our DevOps courses are very easy-to-understand. Their content has been developed such that it will allow you to grasp the concept easily.

