WHAT DERAILS Governance in Business Families ?

WHAT DERAILS Governance in Business Families ?

"All truths are easy to understand, once uncovered. The key is to uncover them".


Have you ever stop and wondered why you may react the way you do to certain situations and individuals? Why is it that how we react to what a stranger says to us is completely different to how we might react to the same thing said to us by a family member? Or have you ever gotten advice from someone close to you, like a parent...and you have dismissed it.....yet the same advice is offered by someone else.....and we think it is brillient advice? 

What in us makes us react so differently? It is our beliefs. The same beliefs we hold as absolute truths and rarely if ever question them. Most of us never bother to check if these beliefs are valid and should be held as the truth. We will hold onto them so fiercely we at times..........that we are willing to fight for them. STOP for a second and go back and reread this. We are willing to fight for something we may have never taken the time or had the curiosity to validate their authenticity.

As I discribed in my last book,"Entitled Brat or Contribution Leader.....which one are you...are you sure?" an EVENT occurs, we have a THOUGHT about that event, which leads to a FEELING. This feeling will trigger a BELIEF which will manifest as a BEHAVIOUR.

Without ever questioning the validity of ones beliefs, the reaction or behaviour will be automatic. Allow me to illustrate. One of my beliefs was that I have little or no significance. As a result of that belief my behaviour would be the polarity of one of the follwoing behaviours......either I would become needy, and seek attention from that position OR I would become the conqueror and seek attention from that position.....both in a feble attempt to gain significance. Neither of these behaviours would serve me in attaining what I wanted. In actually they would achieve the exact opposite.

In my coaching practice with business families I regularly see how individuals get triggered by each other. This is especailly apparent in sibling realtionships. They may have unresolved issues/beliefs about each other or their percieved favoritims by their parents to one another or a multitude of other reasons. Our role at Veritage is to assit individuals to uncover their truth......their beliefs....... which are the trigger mechanims for their behaviours. These undiscovered truthes are the foundation for the GREATEST RISK to a business family system. This is what we call BEHAVIORAL RISK.

In order for goverannce to work and be effective in governing a business family system, the individual's governance must be put into place first. One of the many key foundational pillers of individual governance is being clear on what the individuals truths are. These truths must be uncovered and examined for their validity. For it is these that are the triggeres which derail governance in business families.

Once we know and see our truth, we have a choice in how we react, and we disable the triggers which are on automatic fire and response.

Until we have clarity about our truth, as individuals we are operating with a faulty circuit board which will short cuircuit the system. 

Veritage is derived from VERITAS, which is latin for truth and HERITAGE. Truth about you.   





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