What is this Delhi Wi-Fi task force and how can you help?
Mahesh Murthy
Marketing guy. Venture & Startup Investor. What can I help you build, launch and grow?
Some of you have heard by now that Nikhil Pahwa, Pranesh Prakash and I have been made independent members of a task force by the Delhi State government. Many of you have started writing in to us – and I just wanted to put up some background in the form of Q & A, and ask if you can help, and how you can.
Q1. So what is this task force thingie?
A1. The Delhi State government had made some commitments as part of its election manifesto, and now that is in power, has moved to execute on those. The Government figured that it needed to bring in the expertise of independent people on these issues and created a body called the Delhi Dialogue Commission as a forum to officially bring external advice into the government.
The Delhi Dialogue Commission (DDC) in turn has created 21 task forces on various topics and the Wi-Fi & CCTV Task force that the three of us are part of is just one of these 21.
The task of the group is to help formulate recommendations on policy, recommendations on process and offer guidelines on RFP, process, selection criteria and such to the Delhi government to help execute its Wi-Fi and CCTV efforts.
Q2. So you guys are big-shot decision makers now?
A2. Nope. Our job is to offer recommendations. It is up to the government to accept them or not.
Q3. You get paid big bucks for this?
A3. We’re doing this for free. Because we think we can help make a difference, and that alone is the value to us. As of now, we’re even paying for our travel ourselves. Plus, the honorary basis allows us to make recommendations without fear or favour, and not be beholden to anybody in the process.
Q3. Who else is in this task force? Can we join?
A3. This task force at the current moment consists of the three of us, along with Ashish Khetan - who is the Vice-Chair of the DDC, Ashish Joshi from the State Government and Abhishek Gupta - a highly qualified and motivated volunteer who helps coordinate our efforts.
While more people may be added to the task force over time, we think about 4 to 7 members is about the right size for a team. As far as membership here goes, this is the call of the DDC, not us.
But if you read on, you’ll see how we want to work in the open and get your help, so your contributions can make a huge difference, regardless of whether you’re part of the task force or not.
Q4. So what process are you following?
A4. One of the things we’d like to do is work transparently. Too much government policy is decided behind closed doors. We’d love to share the minutes of our meetings with you, our draft proposals with you, get your comments and criticism on each of these - and even meet you in person to hear your views and proposals. Read on to see how.
Q5. Do you guys have a philosophy of sorts? You’re a strange mix of startup guy, policy wonk and tech journalist. Are there any conflicts with your work and lines of business here?
A5. Maybe the differences between our backgrounds help us cover wider ground. While we come from different points on the compass, I believe we do have a few things in common:
a. We’d like to put together a progressive, forward-looking plan for Delhi – that if implemented well, can be a model for the rest of India and even the rest of the world
b. We all like the idea of higher bandwidths – we’d like to see if free broadband Wi-Fi and not just free Wi-Fi can be made available to all the people. It’s not easy – Delhi spreads across more than 1,400 square kilometres and spans over 20 million people, where over 4 million people have smartphones. There are technological and logistical challenges. But we’d like to take a crack at it.
c. We all like the idea of net neutrality. We don’t like the efforts of some companies and pseudo-NGOs to provide free access only to a few services, with paid access to competing services. We believe all of the internet should be equally accessible to all users, all the time. No closed gardens. Only open planets.
d. We like the idea of seeing how the entire project can be cost-neutral as far as possible to the Delhi State government. We have some ideas, but we need to see if they are workable.
e. We’re big believers in privacy – and would like to see how personal data and communications can – if at all possible - be kept out of the purview of foreign intelligence agencies like the NSA and GCHQ, and also kept hacker-proof.
f. As far as personal conflicts, we believe we have none. At any point, if we believe any of our future efforts have potential conflicts or any bearing on discussions here, we will disclose the same publicly.
Q6. So how long will this thing take? When do I get my free wi-fi?
A6. Soon, but perhaps not as soon as you think. We’re working hard to try put our recommendations together in a few months – do bear in mind that all of us have other jobs to do that pay our bills – we’re still committing to take time off to get some guidelines together soon as possible – perhaps 8 to 12 weeks, or maybe a little more. Or less.
Once the recommendations (and yes, they’ll be placed in public view) have gone in to the government, it’s up to them to start the process and then select vendors / partners / technologies / and that may take a little longer.
Once a solution is chosen to be implemented, it will then have to be implemented – perhaps first in a test area – and then if successful, then rolled out to all of the state.
So, all of this will take time. It won’t be overnight. We can’t say for sure – because so much is out of our control – but we think it’d be nice to have some parts of the city at least lit up with fast, free wi-Fi before the end of the year.
Q7. So what is this public process? How do I take part?
A7. Thanks for asking. Many vendors, well-wishers, technology and networking firms have already connected with us – and we’d like to say thanks – but please follow the process.
First –there’s a set of questionnaires the task force has put together to canvass your thoughts. Please take a look – we’re copying it here:
1. How do you define public wifi? Kindly suggest case studies on public wifi from other parts of the world.
2. What should be the ideal level of access to public wifi? Can it be made available right upto your doorstep? If yes, what are the feasibility and technological challenges? Or should it be made available at well-defined public spaces in every neighbourhood?
3. What is the infrastructure and technology required to create the public wifi network?
4. What should be the essential services that a government should aim at providing through public wifi?
5. What is the capex and opex required to create and operate public wifi?
6. What could be a model that makes public wifi viable, sustainable and scalable in terms of usage, technology and financials?
7. Can public wifi network be made financially self-sustainable if viewed from the welfare service perspective alone?
8. Should there be multiple operators or an exclusive operator in a well-defined zone of the city?
9. What could be the operating architecture that brings all the stake holders together?
10. What are the advantages and disadvantages of a private enterprise model vis a vis a PSU model?
The DDC would like to invite suggestions, viewpoints and recommendations to each of the above ten questions on its email id [email protected] and the Whatsapp helpline +919643327265. The point- by-point response should be restricted to 200 words each.
Second, here’s the in-person consultative process that will happen in Delhi March 24, 25 and 26 that you can personally come and be part of: https://delhi.gov.in/DoIT/DoIT_IT/PDF/StakeholdersConsultation.pdf
You have till Monday, May 23rd to confirm attendance.
There’s also an email address: [email protected] that can help you with this part.
Let’s start with this. Happy to issue more clarifications, as we proceed on this exciting journey.
Serial Entrepreneur + Consultant
10 年I have been seeing your videos online on youtube and I find that you are a very humble and knowledgeable person and I think its good that your part of this initiative.
Zero to One mode | Salesman | AI, IOT, Neutral Host Telecom Infra, LTE, Private 5G, WiFi, FTTx, strategy & market Dev | Speaker
10 年Great job Mahesh and team. By Sunday I will share my experience of making WiFi a reality.
Artist | Dreamer | Developer | Leader
10 年Dear Mahesh, Nikhil and Pranesh, you three are very inspiring and we are proud of you. Would love to help pro bono in Project Management of the related projects or even in creating secure software solution/application architectures and implementations. Please feel free to connect.
Breakthrough Technologies for Environment, Energy and Cities
10 年Mahesh Murthy, I would like to contribute as much as I can. I will go through the process.