What defines you?
Good morning and welcome to you all. I can feel the nerves in the room, and that’s just the parents!
Today does not define you. It provides some useful information for us when we start teaching you in September, but it’s just a starting point for you, not an end. It’s not who you are, it’s just a small piece of info about you.
So, what does define you?
When you join the Senior School, will you always try your hardest at every activity? Will you listen carefully to instructions and follow advice? That will define you.
When a task gets difficult, will you stick at it, persevere, until you can do no more? That will define you.
When you make a mistake or fail at something – and you will – will you hold your hands up, dust yourself off and bounce back? That will define you
Will you always tell the truth, even when it’s uncomfortable to do so? That will define you.
When you work out what your career dreams are, will you follow them with every ounce of energy you’ve got? That will define you
When your friend is upset, will you be there to listen and pick them up again? That will define you.
When you realise that there are causes and charities to support, will you give your time to them? That will define you
I can also tell you that if the answer was ‘Yes’ to those questions, you’re going to love our very special school, where all we ask is ‘Work hard, be kind’.
Paul Taylor