what is Data Processing ?
Introduction to Data Processing
Data processing is the collecting and manipulation of data into the usable and desired form. The manipulation is nothing but processing, which is carried either manually or automatically in a predefined sequence of operations. In past, it?is done by manually which is time-consuming and may have the possibility of errors during in processing, so now most of the processing is done automatically by using computers, which do the fast processing and gives you the correct result.
The next point is converting to the desired form, the collected data is processed and converted to the desired form according to the application requirements, that means converting the data into useful information which could use in the application to perform some task. The Input of the processing is the collection of data from different sources like text file data, excel file data, database, even unstructured data like images, audio clips, video clips, GPRS data, and so on. The commonly available data processing tools are Hadoop, Storm, HPCC, Qubole, Statwing, CouchDB and so all
And the output of the data processing is meaningful information that could be in different forms like a table, image, charts, graph, vector file, audio and so all format obtained depending on the application or software required.
How Data is Processed?
Data processing starts with collecting data. The data collected to convert the desired form must be processed by processing data in a step-by-step manner such as the data collected must be stored, sorted, processed, analyzed, and presented.
So this broadly divided into 6 basic steps as following discussion given below.
Data Processing Services
Research at glance innovates data processing services with careful observation, calculation and processing of enormous amounts of data into meaningful information. Our effective data processing service helps many collaborators, investors to maximize profit and leads to accomplishing growth. Research At Glance provides you end-to-end online data processing solutions such as data entry, data indexing and data analysis to gather strategic insights and hence facilitate major business decisions.