What data can do for shopping center landlords - A response
A few days ago, the ICSC posted a brilliant article by Matt Hudgins about the importance of data for shopping centre landlords which resonated with us at Coniq.
The article discusses geofences, and how this 5 year old technology is now seeing a rise in popularity with retail destinations who are beginning to understand the rich data it can provide. Geofence technology allows marketers greater visibility over their customer's journeys around the mall, which shops they buy from and which they merely browse in. Putting this data to work, targeted messages including offers and discounts can be sent to customer's mobiles at the perfect time to incentivise desired behaviour.
For more uses of geofence and a discussion on what makes it so essential for retail destinations to succeed in the future read this article - https://www.coniq.com/geolocation_customer_loyalty
#loyalty #shoppingcentre #retail
Senior Marketing Manager
4 年Matt Hudgins!