What are the Daily a DBA do ?
Rajesh kumar
Cockroachdba ,Oracle Golden Gate DBA at Associate @JP Morgan chase H1bVisa holder
Ensure that previous night's backup is complete and there are no RMAN errors in the backup logs.
- Check the alert log for any ORA - TNS - errors.. and also for messages like ‘Checkpoint not complete’ etc.
- Ensure that the CRON job for truncating, saving and renaming alert logs is working - verify the same.
- Ensure that the archive redo log files are compressed and have been deleted. Only files for current and previous day should be present. Also Check the Archive destination status.
- All tablespaces should be less than 90 - 95% full.
- Run the coalesce command on all tablespaces to reduce fragmentation.
- Ensure that space in the TEMP tablespace is released and is 100% free at the beginning of the day.
- Enough contiguous free space is available in all tablespaces for objects to extend if required.
- Backup the control file to trace.. so that every day we have an outline of the files and their locations for each database.
- No objects are within 5 extents of the MAXEXTENTS storage parameter.
- All core dumps are deleted from the $CDUMP area.
- All *.trc files are deleted from the $UDUMP area, periodically
- Check the machine for any disks (mount point) 100% full or nearing that value. If a disk has filled up, then use the 'find' command (LINUX) to determine files which have been recently created/modified.
Ensure that all *.dmp files are in their proper locations and large *.dmp files have been compressed.
- Truncate the listener.log file in the $ORACLE_HOME/network/log location if the listener log has increased to a size > than 500 MB. Ensure the space is released, otherwise 'reload' listener.
- Run the 'recently created/modified objects' report to ensure that no un-authorized object creation/modification is taking place.
- Ensure that there are no DBMS_JOBS with the status of ‘failed’ or ‘broken’.
Also last refresh times of all running jobs should be current.
- Check to ensure that no objects exist in the database with the status 'INVALID'
Oracle ACE ?? | Oracle & PostgreSQL Database Administrator | PostgreSQL SRE | Blogger | oracle-dba-help.blogspot.com
8 年As I saw your pic, I think you are very much senior , so i guess u have knowledge that U cannot "COPY PASTE " From a blog (owned by me) and Written your name as "Written By Rajesh Kumar" on LinkedIn . At least you should put "SOURE : www.oracle-dba-help.blogspot.in " I found this content copied from my blog, I request you to delete this, or Keep a " source from" and Be Mature enough in Social Media . You are very good at COPY-PASTE. But I'm expecting to write the Source from where you copied, aa you are not the ORIGINAL. -- "AUTHOR / PUBLISHER" Thanks and regards nikhil