C-energy Units creating P-energy Units (atoms or physical forces or P-energy)


"Why is your mentor's Drazen's (unsung successor to Nikola Tesla) CTP Energy Science (CTPSci) such a BIG deal, Reso? No one's heard of it before until now! What's the deal?"

The initial discovery of CTP Energy Science (CTPSci) goes back to March 1985. Details of Drazen's accounts via Drazen himself who'd written the article linked... conveys the basics.

Throughout this posted article I am attaching some renderings (approximations for subject materials) of what we could best describe as the differences between C-domain and P-domain.        

  • C-DOMAIN - the non-physical energy domain where the C-energy and the C-energy Units exists is called the C-domain.
  • P-DOMAIN - the physical domain where atoms and the P-energy and the P-energy Units exists is called the P-domain.


The 'big thing' going around these many past few years... "Are we living in a simulation" to statements "We ARE living in a simulation!" and the like.

This is NOT exactly the case. See, the problem here is the current reality model most people know about and accept via Quantum Physics and so called 'leading sciences of our day'... doesn't account for the two additional non-physical C-domain Fundamental Forces of which our physical reality (so called simulation) 'sits' or 'floats' on top of.        
Non-physical C-energy Units (depicted by white spheres under the colored spheres/atoms) exist below the total physical 4 Fundamental Forces we presently know of.


Our physical reality, physical universe or P-domain, it is not really 'holographic' precisely/exactly. The attachments here to this post should convey from layman's and the general public STILL not very well versed into CTP or even potential investors wanting to find out more or understand it; "explain it to us at our level, Reso!" demands... is thus...


Many physicists, particle physicists, and others (sciences and academia types REALLY have this thing about their own theories (it goes with the territory) confronted by CTP will likely just denounce as 'well this is just quantum foam theory or some other bull**** renamed something like CTP' yada yada yada. (BTW - new science paradigms on their outset are usually outright condemned, ridiculed, outright REJECTED, and summarily dismissed at the institutional level.)


Non-physical Conscious or C-energy is not bound to a quantum state, thus the C-energy, C-domain, and T-energy are NOT quantum, have no quantum properties, thus CANNOT BE QUANTIZED (just like Gravity cannot be quantized).

Our physical reality or P-domain is NOT a simulation, but a 'coded' one.

This is truly NOT THE CASE. Thinking in the terms of the CTPSci sciences, we must begin to truly 'think' differently not necessarily only in terms of an entirely new field of science (albeit going on nearly 40 years now as of this entry), but it/CTP as the very fundamental 'conscious nature' of our reality, as well as our deeper connection to the reality we exist in, and relationship to it for which our physical outer world (P-domain) truly is.

  • Thus the physical domain emerges from non-physical C-domain.
  • We are already witnessing this experience as? Time. Time is a byproduct of T-energy and CTP processes 'rendering' our physical reality into P-existence.
  • (More on CTPSci's take of 'temporal mechanics' on later posts.)

C-energy: the 'Ultimate Energy Behind Everything!'?


As these illustrations depict the CTP story (as well as deeper understandings into the full nature of our reality). All of the various colored layers and colored spheres represents the Four Fundamental Forces behind different atoms, the baseline behind quantum physics, and all physical types of energies or particles discovered yet to present date included. Thus CTP is discovery of two new Forces!

CTP Energy Science (CTPSci); The next level of sciences - the universal science.


Since the discovery of quantum physics going back well over 100 years ago, we are now at the time whereas over the decade or so, we are finally beginning to see new commercial applications and potentials for quantum physics that had not exited prior. Similar considerations must be given for future CTPSci Applications (CTPSCIA) as a new field of science (however, exclusive to CTP).


“The day science begins to study non-physical phenomena, it will make more progress in one decade than in all the previous centuries of its existence.” ― Nikola Tesla

While everyone is going around posting 1000s of 1000s of articles about 'the simulation' CTPSci sciences would be the precise new science of what many believe to be the ultimate answer however yet, still do NOT have the precise model which applies to their presently incomplete but well intended summations.

Everything we have known of the sciences (from chemistry, to physics, and other) to present and the basis of our physical reality we can be best describe as belonging to the physical world (colored sphere/physical forces) or P-domain, only. C-energy and T-energy exist 'outside' of P.         


Via our understandings at CTP Energy et al, this science will work at what we can call this non-physical 'C-layer' of reality DIRECTLY via our CTPSci know-how. This accessing, implementations, and utilization, of the non-physical fundamental layer of reality could best be described as not only as the 'Holy Grail of Sciences', but indeed the future of advancing humankind into a completely new era, never before imagined or contemplated until now...

With the CTPSci sciences and future CTPSci applications which CTP represents - we at CTP will pioneer this true 'science of the non-physical' Nikola Tesla predicted quite some time ago, that would eventually be discovered (which CTP was discovered by my late mentor before his untimely passing and rather unfortunate series of events into his later and final years - oddly enough akin to Tesla's unfortunate final years - which are stories to themselves for a later time).

Drazen said it best in the original CTP Energy Basic Background Intro...         
"Full understanding of the CTP Energy Cycle? will one day lead to the development of various CTP Energy Systems. One CTP system will allow for the control of the gravity field, another will allow an instant communication with anyone via C-domain regardless of distance or reality involved, and yet another will allow for near-instant travel to a destination in C domain via your C body or via a physical spaceship using the C-energy Frequency Modulator?, plus many other revolutionary inventions.
CTP Self-Resonating Energy Nodes? (CTPSREN) represent the coming arrival of a new source and new form of sustainable clean alternative energy source never before imagined until now. Fully compliant to ESG goals.
Greater understanding of C-energy will also improve your life, your health, your state of mind, and your understanding of who you really are."
And thus 'where' the end of CTP Phase 1 was shelved by Drazen for lack of support nearly 20 years ago. Our world truly was not ready for something as revolutionary as CTP Energy back then and even in today's world with the emergence of AI - many will still be rather dumbstruck to awestruck as to hearing about CTP's second coming and second reemergence.         


"Be alone, that is the secret of invention; be alone, that is when ideas are born." - Nikola Tesla        

To date, I have been privately researching CTPSci sciences now since 2011 on my own, in private, without any funding, and within the laboratory of my own mind (similar to how Nikola Tesla conducted his research before building physical inventions), in order to propel my mind to such a level, pick up my late mentor's mantle, as I felt THIS was-is the time considering the recent revelations and announcements via the UFO/UAP phenomena to reintroduce to our world for the second time to the promise for the future this revolutionary new science can offer humankind's future destiny to come - via C-domain; interstellar civilization.

CTP ENERGY SCIENCE (CTPSCI) is the Science of the Disclosure

And with this, the dawn of a new era approaches...

UFOs/UAPs are higher-tiered CTP Technologies we refer to as CTP craft based on the CTPSci sciences.


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