What is Cryptocurrency?
We can say it like the "Money of Future", "Virtual Currency" and "Digital Cash" etc.
The huge community unable to understand the dilemma of cryptocurrency including the bankers , scientists and engineers too. I will try my best to explain you in simplest way to help you to understand the concept of Cryptocurrency.
Few people know about the Cryptocurrency; Recently it is emerged in market, the famous one which capture the huge market share is Satoshi Nakamoto's BitCoin .
Core Cryptocurrency Concept
These are the very limited entries in extensive secured database and those are encrypted with very complex algorithm and no one can see except by fulfilling number of Specific Conditions.
This is the same way like online banking system they are managing your account online. Here you will get the Coins or any commodity like you want to manage through Cryptocurrency; the major difference is decentralisation.
Another most important part is that the system would not be centralised but synch peer to peer to update the records on every individual stance.
Logical & Physical Architecture , How you can create coins and made the transactions?
To Be Continued.....