What is Cryptocurrency and how to get started?

What is Cryptocurrency and how to get started?

A cryptocurrency is a form of digital currency backed by encryption and built on the blockchain ledger system. One must be familiar with blockchain, decentralisation, and cryptography to grasp cryptocurrency's fundamentals.

Blockchain, as it relates to digital currencies, is essentially a distributed digital ledger to which only approved parties have access. This ledger keeps track of dealings involving a wide variety of property, including cash, real estate, and even ideas.

Information shared between its users is open, instantaneous, and "immutable" because of the distributed nature of the system. By definition, immutability in blockchain ensures that all data recorded on the ledger cannot be altered in any way, not even by the system administrator.

Our daily currency is a good example of centralised money, as it is issued and controlled by centralised institutions like the Reserve Bank of India. Because cryptocurrencies are decentralised, there is no central bank or other regulatory body that can be held accountable for the rise and fall of any one coin. There are many advantages to this system compared to a central bank.

The Cryptocurrency: How Does It Function?

Governments and centralised regulatory agencies have no say over cryptocurrency markets. Bitcoin is the most popular cryptocurrency, but there are several others. They all function independently of the traditional financial system.

1) Extracting

Mining is the technique through which new crypto coins (which are entirely digital) are created. This is a rather involved procedure. To earn bitcoins, miners must first solve complex mathematical riddles using specialised mining software and hardware.

To mine, a single bitcoin would take only 10 minutes in a perfect environment, but the current time required is closer to 30 days.

2) Purchasing, reselling, and warehousing

Users can now purchase and sell cryptocurrencies on centralised exchanges, through brokers, and directly to other users. To purchase or sell cryptocurrency, the most convenient option is an exchange or platform like Coinbase.

The coins can be kept in a digital wallet after purchase. Money stored in a digital wallet can either be very hot or very cold. When a wallet is "hot," it means it is online and hence accessible to hackers but also easily compromised during transactions. Safer than open storage, cold storage hinders commerce.

3) Dealing with Money or Making Investments

Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies can be moved from one digital wallet to another with the help of a smartphone. After acquiring them, you can do one of the following:

You can: a) spend them on stuff or services

or b) use them as currency

c) Trade them in for money

It's recommended that you use a debit card or similar system if you want to buy anything with Bitcoin. Similarly to an ATM, you can get cash with one of these debit cards. Financial institutions and peer-to-peer exchanges both facilitate the exchange of bitcoin for fiat currency.

Various Forms of Cryptocurrencies

There are currently thousands of cryptocurrencies, and that number is expected to grow to the tens of thousands by 2022. Popular digital currencies include:


Bitcoin is the first decentralised digital currency. A moment existed when the term "cryptocurrency" might be replaced by "Bitcoin" alone due to its widespread popularity. However, would-be financiers should be aware that bitcoins currently fetch a high price. One Bitcoin cost $68,000 in 2021. Fortunately, though, you needn't shell out full coins whenever you make a purchase; instead, you can opt to buy fractions of coins.


Any digital currency that is not bitcoin is known as an altcoin. Ethereum, one of the most rapidly expanding cryptocurrencies, is the most prominent in this ecosystem. Lucky block, Shiba Inu, and Terra are just a few of the many alternative cryptocurrencies currently available on the market.

Digital currency tokens

Many people struggle to understand the difference between cryptocurrency coins and tokens. Coins and tokens have the same visual appeal at first glance. Yet there are significant distinctions between the two

Tokens cannot be mined in the same way that coins can. Blockchains are only used by coins, not tokens.

Their usefulness relies on the kinds of goods and services that can be bought with them.

Consider if you want to invest in cryptocurrency. Trading in cryptocurrencies has several advantages, but it also has several disadvantages. Here are the three main arguments for and against cryptocurrency.

Advantages of Cryptocurrency

  • Intimacy and safety are maintained: Users of cryptocurrencies can always remain anonymous thanks to the blockchain technology that powers them. Additionally, it guarantees a high level of security by using cryptography, which we have already covered.
  • All information in the system is owned equally and is accessible to all authorised users without any need for a central authority to intervene.
  • Cryptocurrencies are a wonderful investment during inflationary times because they provide a buffer against price increases. Bitcoin, for instance, has been likened to gold by some investors. One reason for this is that the mining of cryptocurrencies is capped, making them scarce just like gold.

Disadvantages of Cryptocurrency

  • Since they are still relatively novel ideas, not many people have a good grasp on them, and their long-term viability is uncertain.
  • As obvious as it is that cryptocurrencies bring in as many rewards as risks, they also have a high-risk profile. Due to their speculative, extremely volatile nature, they frequently experience precipitous declines. There are a variety of factors that can make bitcoin investments dangerous.
  • The fact that several nations have either outright banned or severely restricted the use of cryptocurrencies also poses a significant threat. In certain nations, like India, their legitimacy is questionable.
  • Scalability issues are complex and relate more to the blockchain's underlying technology. Blockchain transactions can be slow because of the system's inherent slowness. Because of this, crypto payments are often inefficient compared to other forms of modern electronic payment.


Cryptocurrencies are here to stay. They hold the potential to revolutionize how we interact with the digital world. They could do away with central authorities and enable peer-to-peer transactions, which would bring about a new era of transparency and security.



