What is Cross Docking?
Sage Software Solutions Pvt Ltd
A powerful suite of Business Management Software, including ERP, CRM and Payroll Solutions.
Cross Docking is a logistical model that involves setting up dedicated docking terminals to facilitate a steady stream of customer-ready goods by directly unloading them from the inbound delivery vehicles and loading them onto outbound vehicles, thereby eliminating the need for a separate warehouse storage & inventory handling.
Cross Docking is an exceptional solution to increased warehouse storage costs and bottlenecks in the delivery workflow. Businesses operating in a diverse range of industries use ERP Software to adopt this logistical model and save themselves from the hassle of manual labor work in the logistical procedure. Not having to store goods in a warehouse lowers operational delays in the logistical processes, saves storage costs, reduces the risk of potential damages, and ensures timely fulfillment of the customer’s orders.
What are the Different Types of Cross Docking?
1. Manufacturing Cross Docking
Here, the materials are procured from multiple suppliers and they are immediately transported to the manufacturing plant with a central docking system. This ensures the continuation of manufacturing operations and eliminates shortages.
2. Retail Cross Docking
A retail company establishes a central docking system to distribute goods received from the manufacturer into different retail outlets as per their requirements. They use a dedicated Inventory Management System to reduce inventory holding costs.
3. Pre-distribution Cross Docking
Pre-distributed Cross Docking involves sorting, packaging, and labeling products before they are sent to the distribution centers. Businesses with multiple distribution points prefer this method to facilitate last-mile delivery.
4. Post-distribution Cross Docking
Post-distribution Cross Docking re-routes goods at the central docking system. It provides more flexibility than the pre-distributed one and allows effectively addressing product recalls & demand spikes.
5. Hybrid Cross Docking
This type of Cross Docking is a mix of both the Pre-distributed and Consolidated Cross Docking. It is primarily used to meet specific logistical requirements for complex supply chains. Much like any other type, Hybrid Cross Docking has its own drawbacks.
6. Transportation Cross Docking
Transportation Cross Docking consolidates smaller loads from multiple suppliers into larger shipments with the aim of lowering storage time, reducing freight costs, and improving logistical efficiency.
7. Distribution Cross Docking
In this type of docking system, a single docking hub is used to collect products received from multiple suppliers. This docking hub sorts and immediately dispatches the goods to a variety of retail chains. This type of docking system is preferred when the products are of diverse nature rather than homogeneous.