What about the COVID-19 victims like me?
John Joseph Dowling Jr.
Director of The Long Island Museum Of Contemporary Art? & Art Therapy For Long Island Inc a 501(c)(3) 800 piece collection 4 sale $30,000,000
What happens to the COVID-19 Vaccine Victims Like me?
Just after the COVID-19 vaccine was introduced most people who did not want it, or who were at risk taking it, were forced by our government's rules to either get it or go broke not being able to participate in society anymore. Most people like me who were at risk from a previous heart condition have no choice but to get it. Just days after I got the COVID-19 second shot my heart began to race and ultimately I had a serious stroke. I am one of the “lucky ones” as, after seven months of my heart racing, the amazing team of Saint Francis kept me alive. But what happens to me now?
In the beginning, I lost my ability to talk, my ability to write or type with any degree of legibility, and even communicate except for saying one word, “THANK YOU”. It took me almost 18 months to be able to type again even though I can not even write my name now. I took me thousands of hours to be able to talk again starting with learning my ABC…. Again. Even still my talking is very limited with my choice of words and vocabulary extremely limited.
I was already limited due to the gene mutation that caused my heart condition and circulation problems all over my body since my early twenties. I can now barely walk because of unexplained neuropathy pain in my feet, the intermittent claudication pain in my legs, and the burden my heart condition has plagued me with most of my adult life.
What happens to me now? I already ran out of savings so I lost my ability to live in the Long Island Community I have lived in my entire life. I can no longer work or qualify for any job despite the fact I should be making more money now than in my entire life. I can not litigate with the drug company, I can not litigate with my own government, and I can not litigate with the lab that created this virus, to begin with. So I am just royally focked!
I saved my art my entire life to leave behind to a museum I wanted to start on Long Island but now getting funding for that museum has little to no hope without my ability to sell or raise money. So I ask you my peers and friends what happens to me Now? Yes, I have 800 pieces of art that I have been saving my entire life to leave to my children and museums to sell, but how will I sell it without the ability to talk or even express myself clearly anymore? Should I just have a fire sale?
And what about my family who takes care of me? Should they have the burden to support me for the rest of my life? Or should I just end my life now? There are the choices I will have to make and I think it is extremely unfair!
The 9/11 fund took care of all of our first responders and all of those families who lost someone in a travesty that took 3000 people from us tragically. What about the million people who died from COVID-19? The hundreds of thousands of people whose lives were forever broken by the COVID-19 vaccine like mine?
Four years ago, the country was brought to its knees by a world-historic disaster. COVID-19?hospitalized?nearly 7 million Americans and killed more than a million; it’s still?killing?hundreds each week. It shut down schools and forced people into social isolation.?Almost overnight, most of the country was thrown into a state of high anxiety—then, soon enough, grief and mourning. But the country has not come together to sufficiently acknowledge the tragedy it endured. I myself had a stroke and I am just now a year and a half later able to type, write, and talk again ( even though I will never be able to talk perfectly again).
Why do our political parties not recognize all that we have been through, come together, and cooperate? I think America should always be the model for the world, but as of late, I do not see it. WE SHOULD BE BUILDING A NATIONAL MONUMENT TO THOSE THAT WE LOST, and those like ME who's life will NEVER EVER BE THE SAME! Whatever happened to "UNITED WE STAND DIVIDED WE FALL? I CAN ONLY HOPE WE DO A BETTER JOB for our children!!!
Painter at Fantasy Studio
10 个月A difficult life of life ... But it's as you write. Fortunately, I did not succumb to the temptation.