What is Courage?
Angelika Christie ND
Coach and Mentor for Mature Women "We believe in a world where women feel safe, cherished, and empowered to create their best life.
Courage Sets You Free – Freedom requires courage – courage to dream, courage to begin, and courage to press on.
Do you not admire and are you not inspired by other people's courage?
For example: If you forsake your own safety to rescue somebody else, it takes courage. Sometimes a heroic act comes from a primal instinct that kicks in. We all have that instinct. I have it, and you have it too. We have that for others; and it may come from an old system where we are responsible for each other to create safety within our tribes. It also depends on your ancestor’s history and how you were brought up.
Depending on your emotional and mental makeup, you may be somebody that is easily triggered to jump in to rescue another. This sure looks like courage, and it is courage, and it’s also driven by an instinct…. because there is not a lot of mental consideration involved.
For example, if a child is drowning in a pool, and you're the only one around, even if you cannot swim, you will jump in to rescue the child. That's not a conscious choice; it's an instinctive action triggered by something we often call your inner hero; all of us have this to a more or to a lesser degree.
When we want to achieve something, live to our highest possibility, live our dream, experience true happiness in this life time, Courage feels different.
Whether it's in your relationship, or in creating, and living according to your life’s purpose, it is NOT an immediate danger situation, right?
Therefore it is much more challenging to tap into your courage. For example: It takes courage to step out of your comfort zone and risk something new.. Why? Because we are creatures of habits and we are also creatures of comfort. We will naturally choose what feels safe and comfortable.
Oh yes, there are some exceptions, there are some daredevils who would find comfort and safety so boring that they rather choose excitement, the thrill, the life threatening acts, in order to feel alive. But that's a very small group of us.
There can be many reasons why somebody chooses that kind of life. It could have internal reasons; some feel that they always have to prove something. Even though it looks very courageous, the courageous act may actually be triggered from insecurity, and the need to show up as a Hero. For others it’s that they never seem to be enough. So what looks like courage is not always the courage that you believe it is.
Courage is a factor that separates those who want to keep a status quo from those who dare to explore what’s possible. Most people feel comfortable in what they have experienced for some considerable time and got to feel accustomed to and comfortable with; so they don't want to change anything. And there is no judgment with that.
But if you want to evolve, move forward, push the envelope, expand your capability and capacity to experience something new, you are called to find the courage that is necessary to honor and live your inner, unlimited, magnificent, and naturally courageous self. Yes, I said "naturally courageous" because courage lives within you.
Yes, I get it…just this last sentence may trigger resistance. Your brain brings up instances from the past that seem to prove the opposite…and it does it automatically and with lightening speed; Alarm bells ring in your head and you step back, you hesitate and stress hormones rush in. So you stay with what your mind tells you, is safe.
I think we have lost a lot of that because of the modern world with it’s comforts we live in now.
- We have shelter,
- We don't have to hunt for food,
- We don't have to risk our lives,
- We're not chased by wild and dangerous animals anymore.
- Our neighbors are not out to kill us like the neighboring tribes long ago.
We have created our lives with the maximum of comfort and safety possible.
The downside is that we have also created a bondage to that lifestyle. We amass stuff that we can buy, and don’t need, and then we feel the burden to protect it., Then we are afraid that we may lose it, so that becomes a stressor.
Do you know people who have amassed so much wealth in things, in stuff, that they are admired for their possessions and it looks like they have arrived. It looks like they have it all. But do they really?.
Most become more agitated, more irritated, and unhappier. Why? Because they now have to protect their possessions; they take care of it all and live in the angst, in the worry, and the anxiety of losing it.
In contrast, can you envision somebody who just lives according to his or her talents and takes the opportunities as they present themselves? Flexibility and the will to change are involved in this. That calls for courage; the courage to change the status quo, to change something that you have become accustomed to, and feel comfortable with.
Creating conscious change takes courage. Even for the one who has it all and decides to walk away, to let it go. He or she too needs courage to say, "I don't need this." I can walk away from it, I’ll give it away. That takes courage too.
We all go through change because of outside circumstances; for example, you could lose your home, from all kinds of reasons, financial, tornado, hurricane, flood., divorce, death. Your life can change drastically and rapidly. You need clarity and courage to figure out what to do next. And it plays a little bit into the previous theme of realizing your choices.
Yes, you need to know what choices you have. Lamenting and negativity are futile and yet so many complain and lament, saying, "Oh my God, it's all gone, poor me." Because let me tell you, every disaster and every unfortunate situation, carries a gift. It’s that other side of coin. One side disaster, the other the gift; What is the gift you may ask? It’s the opportunity to experience something new, something that was impossible or not in your awareness before.
You need courage to live your life with joy and purpose, be unapologetically yourself and dance to your own music. There is so much more to say about this but let me leave you with 6 questions to ask yourself:
- Where are you in your life?
- Where do you need courage to move forward?
- Where do you need to step out of your comfort zone?
- What do you want to experience?
- What is important to you?
- Where are you stuck?
And again, we cannot easily free ourselves from our self-imposed prison that we tell ourselves we want to escape. Over time, we even become comfortable living there! We need help, and we need help from somebody who is not attached to our past, our situations, our story.
You don’t find it in your family easily, nor with your close friends. Why? They are too afraid for you; they are afraid that your courage can hurt you, don't dare anything that could be a risk. What they want is for you to stay (what they believe is) "safe." So they will try to keep you in your status quo; out of fear for you or their own interest. And you don't want to be stuck there, right?
So here again, it takes outside help.
That's where mentors and coaches come in because they are unbiased and see what you cannot see; your blind-spots. They encourage you, and support you, so that you gain more and more courage until you can break free from what has imprisoned you and held you hostage to your status quo for so long!
Click the link now and schedule a free Discovery Call with me.
I offer you to have a conversation with me, because I may be your best choice, I may be the one for you.
We don't know this yet and it is not for me to seek you out, it is for you to want to explore possibilities. if something stirred in your gut, in your heart, and you believe now is your time to move forward and you need more courage, I am here for you to support and I guide you until you have what you really care about. Get clarity, see your choices and envision what lights up your life, what brings you joy, and what is in alignment your highest calling.
Yeah, that's really what lights my fire, to help you live your life according to you, that you dance to your own music; that you never again live anybody else's life but your own.
We women, so many of us, live our lives as directed by others; our families, our partner, whoever has influenced us from early on. Often we can’t even imagine what is possible. And yet, the life you came into your body to live is waiting for you, it will light you up, because it’s your destiny, your purpose, and it’s right there waiting for you. And yes, it takes courage.
That’s why you feel stirred in your heart. And it is scary too. I get that. It’s the same with everybody else; you are not alone in this journey. You have me. I’ll take you by your hand and together we take that first step, and then the next, and the next.
- Does that sound like something you want?
- Is that something you can envision?
- Would you like to do that?
Then let's have a casual conversation.
Click the link now and schedule a free Discovery Call with me.
I give you my time if you're serious about wanting to change something
important in your life and need guidance and support building your courage so
that you can take the steps with confidence and certainty towards your goals.
I am here for you, I love you.
Bye, bye for now.