Col (R) Hassan Yousuf
Trainer Futurology, Smart Management & IT / Digi Tech at Pakistan Institute of Management
USA NOAA ( national oceanic & atmospheric administration)warns: severe solar /geomagnetic storm" hits earth .Seven coronal mass ejections (CMES) are racing towards earth this weekend
Worthy audience, we are not surprise that we the Pakistan are realistically oblivion to such great /huge, climatic disasters , atmospheric blasts, historical killing & the catastrophe looming over on our heads ?after such events? Why so? because we are worthless ,incompetent , indecent ?& ungrateful (to Allah) Nation ,we love God Almighty but we are not afraid of Him May Allah save us from His wrath .Folks as you may be aware at such moment of highly dreadful ,unexpected & sinister (MNNHOOS) moment of 21st century Muslim all over the world know this is very bad omen /warning to mankind specially western region 70 % impacted whereas rest of the world would be affected 30% .So Muslim Brothers as per our faith we must bow before Allah Almighty to emancipate our lives from such precursors / initial indicators of "Dooms Day" scenario ,we should seek pardon from Allah in stead of celebrating terrible divide between PTI & Military establishment or between USA &Pakistan over Imran Khan. Likewise we should rise to the best of our capacity to prevent Israel from genocide in Gaza??????Folks as you may not know the most powerful?solar storm?in more than 20 years has struck Earth’s atmosphere on Friday,triggering warnings over the potential disruption to power grids and satellite communications while also producing spectacular celestial light shows in some parts of the world. The first of what could be several geomagnetic storms affected the globe, creating a dazzling display of the Northern Lights, while putting infrastructure operators on guard for potential electrical effects from the solar event. The SWPC says?satellites observed conditions that reached level 5 on their 5-point scale?of geomagnetic activity on Friday evening. NOAA scientists have witnessed severe (G4) geomagnetic storm conditions on 10th May 2024 ?. The source of this geomagnetic outburst has been identified as a large, complex sunspot cluster named?Region 3664.This sunspot region is currently 16 times the diameter of Earth and is expected to generate additional activity in the future. Several additional Earth-directed Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) are in transit to Earth’s outer atmosphere, making it highly likely that geomagnetic storming will persist through the weekend. A large, complex sunspot cluster (NOAA Region 3664), which has now grown to 17 times the diameter of Earth, has been the primary source of this activity. Experts still expect additional activity from this Region. Since the current?solar cycle?began in December 2019, observers have only witnessed three severe geomagnetic storms. This storm?poses a risk for high-voltage transmission lines for power grids, not the electrical lines ordinarily found in people's homes, Dahl told reporters. Satellites also could be affected, which in turn could disrupt navigation and communication services here on Earth. Such a powerful solar storms impact globe Geomagnetic storms can affect infrastructure in near-Earth orbit and on Earth's surface,?potentially disrupting communications, the electric power grid, navigation, radio and satellite operations, the SWPC says. Other known impact is as follows:-
1.???? Potential impacts on modern infrastructure. In our technology-dependent society, a geomagnetic storm of this magnitude could cause widespread electrical disruptions, blackouts, and damage to critical infrastructure.
2.???? Preparing for the worst
3 .Rare occurrence in solar cycle
4 .Potential Earth impacts from this event