What Could You Do With More Trust?

What Could You Do With More Trust?

Trust is a great topic, something many people have trouble with, and often very elusive. It’s a difficult concept to adopt as a part of your Being, easy enough to understand, but not so simple to consistently practice.  Trust and faith go hand in hand although there are subtle differences and one can exist without the other. Faith is a strong belief that things will work out the way you want them to, trust is allowing them to work out without expectations for the outcome. Paradoxically (or not) trust is strengthened by accepting outcomes unconditionally, while faith can be weakened and doubted as the outcomes are not as you expect they should be.

Trust can be one of your greatest allies as you proceed through life. Trusting that every moment is exactly as it should be and that the next one right behind will also be that way allows life to be enjoyed ‘on the fly’. Goals and intentions are left to their own devices without worry or fear of consequences. There’s nowhere to get to, nothing to gain or lose, everything you need you already have. This does not imply that you’re lazy, or unconditioned, or unaccountable, it simply means you know that you have all there is for you in this moment and if you want something different you can proceed from there.

It’s imperative you recognize that all actions proceed from this moment forward, there is nothing “out there” pulling you towards it and nothing “back there” pushing you either. You must first unconditionally accept that you are in the perfect place now from which to move and create your future. And there’s no obligation for you to move either, for that matter. It’s a choice, your choice.

One wonderful attribute developed from trust is the diminishing of judgment. When you grasp this moment and trust that it’s perfect just as it is, then there is no judgment to be applied. It just IS, completely impersonal, yours for the accepting and taking. You are the only judge!

Your thoughts are the genesis of your judgments, not the events and circumstance that you are experiencing through the world of senses, the world of form. The events and circumstances you experience are completely neutral, they have no meaning until you assign it. Your entire life has been spent processing sensory data while being coached by others around you about its meaning and implications, their judgments. Your judgments are simply ingrained thoughts from a lifetime of perceived data and subsequent interpretation and evaluation, they are conditioned thoughts that pop up whenever certain conditions present. These thoughts are the building blocks of your beliefs and as they become reinforced time and again it’s difficult to recognize them as that and the outside events and circumstances seem to directly cause your feelings.

And your feelings are your guide through life, they are tainted and conditioned from judgments. Judgments are simply thoughts, thoughts that have been nurtured over and over until there is no discernible ‘break’ between the perception of the event or circumstance and the feeling associated with it. Most people don’t understand the source of their feelings, they believe that feelings are caused by events and circumstances outside of them. Actually, your feelings are not caused by ‘things’, the events and circumstances, your feelings are caused by your thinking about those things. This is a critical distinction because knowing this allows you to examine your thoughts to understand the source of your feelings, which in turn makes the events and circumstances less relevant in the quest to change those feelings.

So what’s the connection between feelings and trust? It can be difficult to develop unconditional trust when you are caught up in value judgments and the undesirable feelings they spawn. When you trust unconditionally, value judgments and their undesirable feelings subside. The concept is simple and profound, but the incorporation into your life can take some time to evolve. Like peeling an onion, the layers of thought that have created your judgments have to be stripped and reconciled. This is where you have to maintain faith, faith that your expectations for the liberty created from trust will evolve.

Trust creates liberty! True liberty, the absence of need. Value judgments are no longer desirable. There is nothing you for you to assess as good or bad, beautiful or ugly, right or wrong. Everything just IS, neutral, unencumbered with subjectivity, available for you to choose, create, and enjoy.

You must accept, and trust, that every result in your life is happening for your ultimate benefit, that the Universe, God, Creator of all things (whatever your own concept is) is friendly and always acting on your behalf.  As you live into that trust, good fortune and opportunities will begin to open up for you. Know that everything in your life is perfect in this moment and there’s not anything to seek, or do, or obtain. And guess what, like everything new and worth learning, it takes practice, perseverance, and passion! But the rewards are huge, the peace, serenity and mental well-being that come with trust and permeate your being are priceless! Trust yourself that you can create the life you want, trust that all your needs will be met without effort, trust that the universe is a friendly and compassionate ally.

Finally, developing trust, like most self improvement activities, is simple but not necessarily easy. A good exercise to develop it is to focus on one aspect in your life that's been letting you down, a relationship, your job, maybe even your car, and just incorporate an attitude of trust in all your thinking about it. With diligence the security that trust creates and nurtures will evolve and you’ll be amazed by the emotional well-being that will proceed into your life!

David Wetmore is a Transformative Life Coach and visionary teacher. He uses his natural gifts of insight and creativity along with life’s wisdom to assist individuals in finding their unique passions, discovering their purpose and enhancing their lives with better mental health and well-being. Nothing is more rewarding to him than seeing someone have an “Aha” moment, or achieve something that previously seemed beyond their reach!

"If you would like to have a conversation about how trust, or the lack of it, is affecting your life please contact me at (513) 543-6596 or dave@davidwetmore.com."


