What Could Change Your Perspective on Your Work in Divorce in 2019?
Pegotty Cooper, Co-Founder Certified Divorce Coach
Certified Divorce Coach Training -Divorce Coaches are Thinking Partners for clients. They support a healthier divorce, a healthier two-house family, and healthier relationships.
You may have been thinking about adding new tools or new offerings to give you an advantage when working with divorce clients. These comments from course participants as they wrap up the 16 weeks of Divorce Coaching Intensive classes might urge you to at least explore what divorce coach training might do for you! I was inspired even after the 50 classes we have led during the past eight years. I thought you might also find these comments inspiring and worth having a brief conversation about how divorce coaching might fit into your plans.
“I always wanted to do coaching and I came to this program to learn a process. I got much more, including the confidence to know that I can do this!” – Financial Professional
“The business aspect of how to put this together as a professional practice after coach training was fantastic.” – Travel Professional
“This program far exceeded my expectation including the personal growth and tools provided. And I got exposure to a new field I would have written off, but now I see it as a new profession!” – Therapist
“What I expected from this program was something that would be an extension of the law. I was blown away by how much I grew personally.” – Seasoned Family Attorney with a Successful Practice
“I got so much more from this course than I expected to get and didn’t realize that we would take what we learned into our own lives!” – Certified Executive Coach
“What happened during this course was totally transformational. I am simply more self-aware in the way I engage people and the way I respond!” – Family Attorney and Mediator
“What I got was the confidence to know I can build a business!” – Certified Coach
We are about to start our next class this week. Next Monday is absolutely the last day you can enroll. I hope that we have piqued your curiosity enough to explore our course site and arrange a one-on-one call with one of the co-founders of the certification. In a 30-minute call, you can find out more about the course content; and understand what the options are for class times (all live webinar classes) and payment options. We will be happy to be available day and evening throughout the next week to have a call with you .
Click here to arrange a 30-minute one-on-one call.
Whatever you choose for the New Year, I hope you enjoy the journey!
“Let your joy be in your journey—not in some distant goal.” — Tim Cook