What could be causing poor agronomic practices and food insecurities in Africa? The Untold!

What could be causing poor agronomic practices and food insecurities in Africa? The Untold!

Given the prevailing climatic changes and uncertainties, as an agronomist I believe the paramount important approach is non-stop research and mechanization to disrupt the modus operandi. The nature is evolving and so should our perspective and approach towards agriculture. The need to incorporate ICTs and controlled micro- environments is fast arising in order to mimic ideal growing conditions.

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The other approach as well should be of women and youth empowerment in agriculture. I strongly believe that if one teaches a woman, one has taught the world because they are the ones who are always active in the fields and they are the backbones of families. The youth on the other hand, they are innovative and agile hence harnessing this energy at an early age will ensure massive production scales and perpetuation to future generations. By empowering, it does not only mean giving knowledge about agriculture but to equip and finance these social groups so that they are able to start at least small. Of late, there has been the notion that there is lake of information dissemination which is true to a certain extent but besides that, on the flip side to the story, there are also other well educated youths in agriculture who are unable to finance themselves to start something small especially in Zimbabwe. Therefore, once some of these issues are addressed, Africa will be able to flip onto other factors that need to be addressed.

In addition, Africans need to start appreciating technology in farming as well as adopting the commercial farming approach even at small holder level. That is, there is need to practice good agronomic practices like soil testing for pH and nutrient, appreciating herbicides for swift weed management within the critical control points which are 2 to 6 weeks in maize (Zea mays) just to mention one. The same applies to pest and disease scouting in order to minimize losses that are suffered once the yield reducing factors reach the threshold levels.

I have been involved in research of yield defining factors, which are temperature, crop genetics and radiation. My results showed that timing of planting will insure the plant gets enough heat units in order to reach optimum production levels hence early planting is ideal given irrigation is provided. Crop genetics selection is the duty of the farmer to choose a variety that is best suited for the environment that one is working on. Radiation on the other hand is best achieved at higher densities of 7.9 plants per square meters whereby a blanket of leaf area index is established to harness enough radiation for photosythesis for example in maize (Zea mays) and the yield at higher densities is greater because the difference of maize ear size at lower densities of 5.3 plants per square meters is insignificant hence the quantities of population matters the most.

Tinashe Manzvera (2017) Effects of Population Density and Water Stress on Morphology of Tropical Maize Genotypes. J Crop Res Fert 1: 1-9.

Post harvest losses also need to be addressed by ensuring proper storage facilities and refrigerated ones for horticulture products.

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Through research, proper dissemination and adoption of information. I long to see a world where people practice conservation of resources for a sustainable livelihood. This is when one is self conscious and when everyone one has a role to play in production of food. The world has to move towards a green revolution whereby on every household, they are capable of producing at least fifty percent of their food needs so that we move towards other needs like happiness and self actualization. I dream of a world where no one dies from hunger and to never experience malnutrition whatsoever among children because a well fed world is a happier world.

In agriculture practice, one needs to do away with yield limiting factors which are nutrient deficiency, water deficiency and labor deficiency as well as yield reducing factors which are pests, diseases, weeds and pollutants.

I strongly believe that this revolution begins with us as African youths and it starts by appreciating agriculture.


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