As a LEADER what cost are you willing to pay?
Josh Feinberg CEO of Everlasting Capital

As a LEADER what cost are you willing to pay?

At what cost?

A lot of business owners, managers, and salespeople who follow Everlasting Capital posts inspire to be a great business leader. I ask what cost your willing to pay? Some pay huge lease bills, buy exotic cars or have big property mortgages. Others might spend a small fortune on every new gadget that pops up. But that's not really the cost I speak of...

I think any business person who wants the success we have had over the years can easily do so... They just need to pay the same heavy price we paid. I strive to be a great business owner and/or a great person. We only get one chance on earth to make a difference before we move on. I still am working on that goal everyday.

I'm not the only one who paid my "tuition" to the college of running a business either... My wife paid a heavy price with me always being gone on business trips or working at home or having to be gone on a business trip during mothers day... My kids paid the price to, I missed many days, school meetings, and certain events I could have enjoyed with them.

I think when your young you really want to prove yourself, and you want to beat everyone else. But at some point in your life you realize, there are only a few people in your life that really care about you, or what you accomplish, and those that believe in you, always will, whether you close another big deal or not, and nobody else really cares what you have done. I have offered advice to some guys over the years that you could tell were to busy talking about how great they were to hear the advice being told... You see that a lot. But, its probably part of the progression of a great business person. One of the many life stages we must go thru... I was probably a bit cocky myself when I was younger and "smarter" than everyone else.

Those of you wanting to be the best at business, or anything for that matter, take it from someone who is still paying the bill. Success don't mean your great or people will like you more, it just means it comes at a high cost.

Keep business fun, don't force success, spend time with your kids and wife, leave the phone on the counter a night or two from business to hang out with your wife & kids, or when a friend really needs you. Cause one day, you may wish you did, and you can never go back... When I look at my success I am constantly reminded of the tremendous price I paid for it.


