What cost is levelled at cutting those corners that should not have been cut.
Today is a day of reflection and looking at our Risk Assessments that should have been carried out. Was it the costs cutting of our major authorities and thus cutting our resources so that we could not have qualified persons checking what can be allowed and what was unsafe. Yes the horse has well and truly bolted but it has taken with it 79 people that did not deserve to go. The old days we had specifications and COW's to make sure that unsafe items and practices did not happen. These people had a pride in their jobs and yes jobsworth prevailed and we were kept safe. Did the 79 person's have any say in their fate . NO THEY TRUSTED THAT WORKS CARRIED OUT WAS FOR THE GOOD OF ALL THE RESIDENTS!
Did the manufacture of the said fridge freezer make an unsafe item of white goods that he/she knew could fail in such a catastrophic and dangerous way?
Did the supplier of the cladding and insulation materials know where their products were being used? There was only a saving of around £2 per sheet of material. What was the cost saving? And we all know that it was not worth it!
I'm alive and sitting at home in a leafy area of middle class England asking questions that I should have asked months ago but I trusted the authorities to actually carry out checks on the materials at least and insure their suitability on these buildings. The items that are now coming out give a very harrowing insight as to what transpired that night. When fire strikes even the hardest person cannot say how he will react , smoke ,choking gases, disorientation and even which way is up.....If you have never been in a smoke chamber or a room filled with gas and smoke you don't know how you will react , I'm telling you that it's very scary and frightening even if you do it year in and year out.
I now pray for them and what happened and only hope that things will change for the better and that we all now look at our own surroundings to make us safe and also those around us safe.