"At what cost? Exploring the impact of forced labour in the UK" report launch and wider legislative updates.
Jantine Werdmüller von Elgg , Hannah Newcomb and David Camp were pleased to attend The Centre for Social Justice and Justice and Care ’s event in Parliament yesterday (8th January 2025) to launch their report – "At what cost? Exploring the impact of forced labour in the UK."
David, as Stronger Together and ALP (Association of Labour Providers) Chair, joined a panel of experts to discuss this question, and shared his thoughts on how we can develop businesses’ response to forced labour in the UK – a topic that is core to our mission at Stronger Together.
He reflected on Stronger Together’s 12 years training businesses on preventing, responding and remedying forced labour reaching thousands of businesses; the opportunity presented by momentum towards mandatory human rights due diligence to ensure it’s not only proactive businesses taking action; and the need for sector specific approaches.
Thanks to all the panellists for their insightful contributions on the importance of remedy, justice and opportunities for recovery for survivors, and the opportunities to strengthen labour market enforcement and legislation to address forced labour happening in the UK and in the supply chains of products that end up in the UK.
The event came a day after the oral evidence sessions in Parliament with the Business and Trade Committee Inquiry ‘Make Work Pay – The Employment Rights Bill’. Director of Labour Market Enforcement, Margaret Beels, and Independent Anti-Slavery Commissioner, Eleanor Lyons, were amongst the witnesses.
Margaret Beels flagged concerns about employment status and risks of exploitation in the construction sector, whilst Eleanor Lyons flagged the importance of supply chain legislation and the right labour market enforcement system.
It's clear that momentum is moving in the direction of strengthening supply chain transparency and due diligence and the role of legislation in moving businesses from voluntary to mandatory due diligence, akin to recent developments in various countries and the EU.
We will always advocate for businesses taking a proactive approach to mitigating and remedying forced labour and implementing effective human rights due diligence in their operations and supply chains.
Interested in finding out more about what we do? Get in touch with us on our website here: https://www.stronger2gether.org/contactsign-up/